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Hypothesis: Multiple COVID vaccinations reduce Vitamin D, resulting in Excess Deaths, etc. - Oct 2023

The Second Pandemic - Dr David S Grimes MD FRCP

 Download the PDF blog post from VitaminDWiki

Clipped from page 45

  • It is as though there is something fundamental that is occurring, that increases susceptibility to a number of diseases, fatal or not.
  • There is a parallel and that is AIDS, in which T-cell immunity is suppressed leading to the development of a number of unusual and fatal infections and malignancies. it has been suggested in Australia that this is happening now, what we might call VAIDS, vaccine induced acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
  • It is possible that vitamin D deficiency is driving the immune deficiency, as we know that vitamin D is essential for defensive immunity and is a powerful stimulator of the vitally important T-cells.

Posted on his website

VitaminDWiki - COVID, Vitamin D, Drs. Grimes and Campbell - Jan 2024 contains:

Hypothesis: The body consumes Vitamin D each time the immune system is activated
The "GREEN" person started with a high level of Vitammin D
This assumes no vitamin D supplementation by supplements, sun, etc.

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