
1000 IU of vitamin D (per kg) can indeed be toxic – 1947

There were many studies in the 1940’s stating that
   1000 IU of vitamin D per kilogram of body weight was toxic.

The average weight of an adult was approximately 70 kg, so yes, I agree, 70,000 IU of vitamin D can be toxic.
I had often wondered why doctors had been told that 1,000 or 2,000 IU of vitamin D was toxic.
My guess is that the old message was trimmed to 1,000 IU of vitamin D is toxic,
Note in the clipping belows that even 35 X higher was sometimes not toxic.

 Download the 1947 PDF from VitaminDWiki

Here is the actual text from the 1947 article


See also VitaminDWiki

Note: 1000 IU per kg IS NOT toxic if you drink a lot of water, minimize Calcum, and take the cofactors

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
2559 Toxic 1000.jpg admin 06 Jun, 2013 54.87 Kb 2215
2558 Hypervitaminosis 1948.pdf admin 06 Jun, 2013 1.69 Mb 1918