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Whole-Fat or Nonfat Dairy -The Debate Continues (less vitamin D) - Dec 2018

Whole-Fat or Nonfat Dairy? The Debate Continues JAMA

  • "It’s been 40 years since the federal government first recommended that everyone except young children opt for low-fat or nonfat dairy products over high-fat dairy products as part of an overall goal of reducing saturated fat intake and calories"
  • "But some recent studies have suggested that high-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt are at least as healthful as their low-fat or nonfat counterparts, and their authors are questioning the wisdom of advising people to avoid whole milk and products made with it."

The word Vitamin does not occur once in the study
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

2 years before the JAMA study: Far less vitamin D in low-fat milk gets into the blood

Low fat milk provides 2.5 times less vitamin D – May 2016

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