- Review of vitamin D from milk products is unaware that skim milk provides little VitD – Aug 2018
- Infant allergy to cow’s milk will go away if have high levels of vitamin D – Jan 2017
- Most milk did not have the 400 IU of vitamin D - 1992
- Little vitamin D in various types of milk – Oct 2012
- Most people have major problems of milk as a source of vitamin D
- Low vitamin D at birth associated with later milk sensitization, allergic rhinitis and asthma – Nov 2014
- Children 7 times more likely to be vitamin D deficient if drink cows milk without vitamin D – April 2016
- Note: in most of the world cow's milk is not forified with Vitamin D
- Skim fat milk provides 3% less vitamin D – May 2016
- Vitamin D fortification of Cows milk (ignores lactose intolerance and poor bioavailability in low fat milk) – Aug 2021
- Vitamin D levels dropped when consuming 2 brands of fortified milk in the winter– trial June 2018
- Whole-Fat or Nonfat Dairy -The Debate Continues (less vitamin D) - Dec 2018
- Children no longer get much vitamin D from milk - fortify at home
- "Cow's milk allergy (CMA) is the most common food allergy in young children, affecting approximately 2 percent of children under four years of age"
- Map of lactose Intollerance
2.5 X more likely to be deficient if allergic to cow’s milk
Do infants with cow's milk protein allergy have inadequate levels of vitamin D?
Jornal de Pediatria (Versão em Português), Vol 93, Issue 6, November–December 2017, Pages 632–638, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpedp.2017.06.006
Cristiane M. Silvaa, , , Silvia A. da Silvaa, Margarida M. de C. Antunesb, Gisélia Alves Pontes da Silvac, Emanuel Sávio Cavalcanti Sarinhoc, d, Katia G. Brandtb
Refers To
Cristiane M. Silva, Silvia A. da Silva, Margarida M. de C. Antunes, Gisélia Alves Pontes da Silva, Emanuel Sávio Cavalcanti Sarinho, Kátia G. Brandt
Do infants with cow's milk protein allergy have inadequate levels of vitamin D?
Jornal de Pediatria, Available online 17 June 2017,
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Objective: To verify whether infants with cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) have inadequate vitamin D levels.
Methods: This cross‐sectional study included 120 children aged 2 years or younger, one group with CMPA and a control group. The children were recruited at the pediatric gastroenterology, allergology, and pediatric outpatient clinics of a university hospital in the Northeast of Brazil. A questionnaire was administered to the caregiver and blood samples were collected for vitamin D quantification. Vitamin D levels <30 ng/mL were considered inadequate. Vitamin D level was expressed as mean and standard deviation, and the frequency of the degrees of sufficiency and other variables, as proportions.
Results: Infants with CMPA had lower mean vitamin D levels (30.93 vs.35.29 ng/mL; p = 0.041) and higher deficiency frequency (20.3% vs.8.2; p = 0.049) than the healthy controls. Exclusively or predominantly breastfed infants with CMPA had higher frequency of inadequate vitamin D levels (p = 0.002). Regardless of sun exposure time, the groups had similar frequencies of inadequate vitamin D levels (p = 0.972).
Conclusions: Lower vitamin D levels were found in infants with CMPA, especially those who were exclusively or predominantly breastfed, making these infants a possible risk group for vitamin D deficiency.
2X more likely to have vitamin D deficiency if Lactose Intolerant
Lactose Intolerance (LCT-13910C>T) Genotype Is Associated with Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in Caucasians: A Mendelian Randomization Study.
J Nutr. 2017 Jun;147(6):1063-1069. doi: 10.3945/jn.116.246108. Epub 2017 Apr 26.
Alharbi O1, El-Sohemy A2.
Background: The LCT-13910C>T gene variant is associated with lactose intolerance (LI) in different ethnic groups. Individuals with LI often limit or avoid dairy consumption, a major dietary source of vitamin D in North America, which may lead to inadequate vitamin D intake.
Objective: The objective was to determine the prevalence of genotypes predictive of LI in different ethnic groups living in Canada and to determine whether the LCT genotype is associated with plasma 25(OH)D concentrations.
Methods: Blood samples were drawn from a total of 1495 men and women aged 20-29 y from the Toronto Nutrigenomics and Health Study for genotyping and plasma 25(OH)D analysis. Intakes of dairy were assessed by using a 196-item food frequency questionnaire. The prevalence of LCT-13910C>T genotypes was compared by using χ2 analysis. Using a Mendelian randomization approach, we examined the association between LCT genotypes and 25(OH)D concentrations.
Results: Approximately
- 32% of Caucasians,
- 99% of East Asians,
- 74% of South Asians, and
- 59% of those with other or mixed ethnicities
had the CC genotype associated with LI.
Compared with those with the TT genotype, those with the CC genotype had a lower mean ± SE total dairy intake (2.15 ± 0.09 compared with 2.67 ± 0.12 servings/d, P = 0.003), a lower skim-milk intake (0.20 ± 0.03 compared with 0.46 ± 0.06 servings/d, P = 0.0004), and a lower plasma 25(OH)D concentration (63 ± 1.9 compared with 75.8 ± 2.4 nmol/L, P < 0.0001).
The CT and CC genotypes were associated with a 50% and a 2-fold increased risk, respectively, of a suboptimal plasma 25(OH)D concentration (<75 nmol/L).
Conclusions: In Caucasians, the CC genotype that predicts LI is associated with a lower plasma 25(OH)D concentration, which is attributable at least in part to a lower intake of dairy, particularly skim milk. Increased risk of suboptimal concentrations of vitamin D was also observed among those with the CT genotype, suggesting an intermediate effect of the heterozygous genotype.
PMID: 28446633 DOI: 10.3945/jn.116.246108