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Live 7 years longer free of major disease if eat well, not smoke, not obese, moderate drink and exercise (100,000 people) – Jan 2020

Healthy lifestyle and life expectancy free of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes: prospective cohort study

BMJ 2020; 368 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l6669

7 years longer without Cancer, CVD, Diabetes if follow 4 of the following 5 lifestyle factors


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Objective To examine how a healthy lifestyle is related to life expectancy that is free from major chronic diseases.

Design Prospective cohort study.

Setting and participants The Nurses’ Health Study (1980-2014; n=73 196) and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (1986-2014; n=38 366).

Main exposures Five low risk lifestyle factors: never smoking, body mass index 18.5-24.9, moderate to vigorous physical activity (≥30 minutes/day), moderate alcohol intake (women: 5-15 g/day; men 5-30 g/day), and a higher diet quality score (upper 40%).

Main outcome Life expectancy free of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.

Results The life expectancy free of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer at age 50 was 23.7 years (95% confidence interval 22.6 to 24.7) for women who adopted no low risk lifestyle factors, in contrast to 34.4 years (33.1 to 35.5) for women who adopted four or five low risk factors. At age 50, the life expectancy free of any of these chronic diseases was 23.5 (22.3 to 24.7) years among men who adopted no low risk lifestyle factors and 31.1 (29.5 to 32.5) years in men who adopted four or five low risk lifestyle factors. For current male smokers who smoked heavily (≥15 cigarettes/day) or obese men and women (body mass index ≥30), their disease-free life expectancies accounted for the lowest proportion (≤75%) of total life expectancy at age 50.

Conclusion Adherence to a healthy lifestyle at mid-life is associated with a longer life expectancy free of major chronic diseases.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday February 22, 2020 22:22:09 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 4)

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13521 Healthy life and life expectancy at 50 yrs Li, Willett, Hu.pdf admin 22 Feb, 2020 390.83 Kb 559