Toggle Health Problems and D

Out-of-Pocket health care costs and employer Health Insurance - 2017

See also VitaminDWiki

Out-of-pocket costs include

     for covered services plus all costs for services that aren't covered

Kaiser Foundation - 2017

Update was issued Oct 3, 2018

Out of Pocket costs for Family and Single


More than 90% of large companies offer Health Benefits


Part Time workers rarely get health coverage


Employees pay 30% of Premium for Family Coverage


Half of employees have annual deductable > $1,000


Only 25% of retirees get health coverage


42 percent do annual health risk assesment


Incentive paid to employee to do health risk assesment


Type of incentive given for employee participation


Pay $500 for employee to participate in wellness program (not family)


Half of very large employeers charge more for Health Insurance of smokers


Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday October 6, 2018 19:14:59 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 13)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
10614 Half of very large employeers charge more for Health Insurance of smokers.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 34.66 Kb 558
10613 Pay $500 for employee to participate in wellness program (not family).jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 41.05 Kb 508
10611 Type of incentive given.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 35.59 Kb 533
10610 Incentive paid to employee to do health risk assesment.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 43.56 Kb 593
10609 42 percent are motivated to do annual health risk assesment.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 37.36 Kb 534
10608 Only 25 percent of firms offer benefits to retirees.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 45.03 Kb 555
10607 High annual deductable.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 38.42 Kb 656
10606 Percentage of premium.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 33.43 Kb 519
10605 Part Time workers rarely get health coverage.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 70.70 Kb 576
10604 More than 90% of large companies.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 70.01 Kb 556
10599 Out of Pocket 2017.jpg admin 28 Sep, 2018 41.89 Kb 875