Association of Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency with Early Childhood Caries.
J Dent Res. 2019 Mar 14:22034519834518. doi: 10.1177/0022034519834518.
Singleton R1, Day G1, Thomas T1, Schroth R2, Klejka J3, Lenaker D4, Berner J1.
Items in both categories Dental and Infant-Child are listed here:
- Childhood Dental Caries about 2X more likely if Vitamin D is less than 20 ng – review April 2024
- Early Childhood Caries 1.4 times more likely if 20-30 ng of Vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 2024
- Caries in deciduous teeth about 2X more likely if low vitamin D – Review Nov 2023
- Severe infant caries 10X higher risk if low vitamin D (under 14 ng) - Dec 2021
- Virtually all infants in Poland got 400 IU of Vitamin D daily (not enough, non-daily is better) – April 2021
- More dental caries in children who have less than 30 ng of Vitamin D – Review Sept 2020
- Teeth from 19th century London indicate that most children were Vitamin D Deficient - Oct 2019
- Half as many tooth enamel defects in child if 2400 IU Vitamin D in late pregnancy – RCT Aug 2019
- Half as many teeth problems if higher cord blood level of vitamin D – March 2019
- No tooth decay in children with adequate Vitamin D (small study) – June 2018
- Early tooth decay 1.9 X more likely if a poor Vitamin D receptor – July 2017
- Severe childhood dental problems 2.4 X more likely if breastfed for more than two years (low vitamin D) – June 2017
- Dental Caries risk in children cut in half if more than 20 nanogram of Vitamin D – Nov 2015
- Teeth enamel problems (MIH) 11 percent less likely with just 4 ng more vitamin D – Dec 2014
- 3X fewer infant dental caries if good level of vitamin D while pregnant – April 2014
- Severe tooth decay in children unless supplemented with Vitamin D drops – Oct 2013
- UVB added in classroom reduced cavities, increased height, increased academics. etc
- Dental caries cut in half by vitamin D, review of 24 old clinical trials – Nov 2012
- Children with severe caries were 2X more likely to have inadequate vitamin D – July 2012
Pages listed in BOTH Dental and Vitamin D Receptor
- Malocclusions 5X higher risk if poor Vitamin D Receptor or low Vitamin D - Feb 2024
- Poor oral bacteria associated with poor Vitamin D Receptor - June 2022
- Periodontitis problems often 3X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor – May 2022
- 1.8 X more likely to have additional Dental Implant Failure if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Dec 2019
- Early tooth decay 1.9 X more likely if a poor Vitamin D receptor – July 2017
- Chronic Periodontitis 9.6 times more likely if smoke and have poor Vitamin D Receptor – Aug 2016
- Dental caries associated with poor Vitamin D receptor – 2016
 Download the PDF from Sci-HJub via VitaminDWiki
Chart by Grassroots Health
Alaska Native (AN) children experience one of the highest reported rates of severe early childhood caries (S-ECC). Serum vitamin D concentrations in AN childbearing women in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta (YKD) region have decreased since the 1960s to currently low levels, related to a decrease in traditional marine diet. Recent studies suggest an association between prenatal vitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations in mothers and S-ECC in their infants. We used independent t tests to analyze the influence of prenatal 25(OH)D levels in YKD AN mothers on S-ECC in their children using data collected in the Maternal Organics Monitoring Study (MOMS). Maternal 25(OH)D levels were assessed at prenatal visits and in cord blood. We queried electronic dental records to assess early childhood caries (ECC) status using highest decayed, missing, filled, primary teeth (dmft) scores at 12 to 59 mo of age. We examined prenatal and cord blood for 76 and 57 mother/infant pairs, respectively.
Children 12 to 35 mo of age with "deficient" cord blood (25(OH)D <30 nmol/L) had a mean dmft score twice as high as children who were "nondeficient" at birth (9.3 vs. 4.7; P = 0.002). There was no significant difference in mean dmft scores for children aged 36 to 59 mo with deficient versus nondeficient cord blood 25(OH)D (10.9 vs. 8.7 P = 0.14).
There was no significant difference in mean dmft scores for children aged 12 to 35 mo whose mothers had "sufficient" versus "insufficient" 25(OH)D during prenatal visits (9.0 vs. 7.4; P = 0.48). In this small sample, children with deficient vitamin D levels in cord blood had a dmft score at 12 to 35 mo 2-fold higher than children with nondeficient cord blood. Maternal 25(OH)D may influence the primary dentition, and improving vitamin D status in pregnant women might affect ECC rates in their infants.