Vitamin D Council review
- Survey of 1,005 US adults
- 69% of survey takers believed they were obtaining adequate daily vitamin D
- NHANES data that showed that only 32% actually met the DRI for vitamin D (600 IU for adults).
3% say their food has all nutrients needed
23% not concerned about lack of nutrients in food
6% believe Orange Juice is LESS healthful if add vitamin D
Report is at
and attached at the bottom of this page
See also VitaminDWiki
- Overview Deficiency of vitamin D which has many charts, such as
Only a tiny number of Americans eat even the "minimum wage" of vitamin D
orange line indicates the Institute of Medicine Nov 2010 minimum recommendations
<5% of all females,
<10% of males
0% of females ages 14-31
0% of seniors (over age 71)
Also notice the black lines: few Americans get even 400 IU of Vitamin D
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