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Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk: 1.3 X if eat specific plants, 1.7X if add Vitamin D

Plant Bioactives and the Prevention of Prostate Cancer: Evidence from Human Studies – Sept 2019

Nutrients. 2019 Sep 18;11(9). pii: E2245. doi: 10.3390/nu11092245.
Livingstone TL1,2, Beasy G3, Mills RD4, Plumb J5, Needs PW6, Mithen R7,8, Traka MH9.

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Prostate cancer has become the most common form of non-cutaneous (internal) malignancy in men, accounting for 26% of all new male visceral cancer cases in the UK. The aetiology and pathogenesis of prostate cancer are not understood, but given the age-adjusted geographical variations in prostate cancer incidence quoted in epidemiological studies, there is increasing interest in nutrition as a relevant factor. In particular, foods rich in phytochemicals have been proposed to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Epidemiological studies have reported evidence that plant-based foods including

  • cruciferous vegetables,
  • garlic,
  • tomatoes,
  • pomegranate and
  • green tea

are associated with a significant reduction in the progression of prostate cancer.
However, while there is well-documented mechanistic evidence at a cellular level of the manner by which individual dietary components may reduce the risk of prostate cancer or its progression, evidence from intervention studies is limited. Moreover, clinical trials investigating the link between the dietary bioactives found in these foods and prostate cancer have reported varied conclusions. Herein, we review the plant bioactives for which there is substantial evidence from epidemiological and human intervention studies. The aim of this review is to provide important insights into how particular plant bioactives (e.g., sulphur-containing compounds, carotenoids and polyphenols) present in commonly consumed food groups may influence the development and progression of prostate cancer.


  • "...incidence rapidly increases (20-fold increased risk) in Asian immigrants to the United States that have adopted a Western diet, reducing intakes of soy, tea, fish, fruits, and vegetables and increasing their intake of red meat and fat-rich food "
  • Mentioned the risk reduction from Resveratrol and Curcumin - both ot which activate the Vitamin D Receptor

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