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Heliotherapy treated children – 1926

Perrysburg – A mecca for Heliotherapy

American Journal of Health (NY) Sept 1926 attached at bottom of this page

Have the sick children outdoors – even in the winter!

Clipped from the PDF
In summer the children play and frolic over the extensive hay fields and woodlands. In winter, with only the protection of a loin cloth, they ski, coast and toboggan on the snow covered farm hills—their delicate, sick bodies in the meantime being rebuilt and hardened by exposure to the direct sunlight.

Heliotherapy in Denver ( 5,000 foot altitude results in LOTS of UVB which produces vitamin D)


Colorado has the best UV (and thus best health) in the US on VitaminDWiki, which has the following map

See also VitaminDWiki

See also web

History of Heliotherapy (as of Aug 2014)
Many ancient cultures practiced various forms of heliotherapy, including people of Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Rome.[48]
The Inca, Assyrian and early German settlers also worshipped the sun as a health bringing deity.
Indian medical literature dating to 1500 BC describes a treatment combining herbs with natural sunlight to treat non-pigmented skin areas.
Buddhist literature from about 200 AD and 10th-century Chinese documents make similar references.

The Faroese physician Niels Finsen is believed to be the father of modern phototherapy. He developed the first artificial light source for this purpose.[citation needed] Finsen used red light to treat lupus vulgaris, a skin infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and ultraviolet light to treat smallpox lesions. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1903. Scientific evidence for some of his treatments is lacking, and later eradication of smallpox and development of antibiotics for tuberculosis rendered light therapy obsolete for these diseases.[49]

Since then a large array of treatments using controlled light have been developed. Though the popular consumer understanding of "light therapy" is associated with treating seasonal affective disorder, circadian rhythm disorders and skin conditions like psoriasis, other applications include the use of low level laser, red light, near-infrared and ultraviolet lights for pain management, hair growth,[citation needed] skin treatments,[which?] and accelerated wound healing.[citation needed]

Then they got the idea of having TB patients get their sun thru windows - which blocks UVB

Chart by Wagner and Hollis,  downloaded from Grassroots April 2010 – video expected June

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4288 Heliotherapy Denver.jpg admin 17 Aug, 2014 87.45 Kb 6190
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4286 Heliotherapy.pdf admin 17 Aug, 2014 1.01 Mb 935