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Confirmed: Diet influences colorectal cancer risk - March 2021


An umbrella review of studies and meta-analyses found “convincing evidence of an association between a lower CRC risk and higher intakes of dietary fiber, dietary calcium, and yogurt and lower intakes of alcohol and red meat.”

"The umbrella review of 45 meta-analyses found 109 associations. Overall, 35 of these 109 associations (32.1%) were nominally statistically significant, as determined on the basis of random-effects meta-analysis models, the researchers explained."

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Live 14 years longer with healthy lifestyle (2 years longer if good vitamin D) – Dr. Greger Oct 2019
Cancer - Colon category starts with the following

Vitamin D is the 3rd most important contributor to health,
   and the lowest-cost way to improve health

Importance to Health VDW10426  

Dr Greger has >100 five-minute videos on Colon Cancer and plant-based diets

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday March 6, 2021 13:11:29 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 6)
Confirmed: Diet influences colorectal cancer risk - March 2021        
3220 visitors, last modified 06 Mar, 2021,
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