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Vitamin D Blog

Vitamin D Deficiency - 27 reasons - 13 are recent

Saturday March 24, 2012


Less time in the SUN (13 of 27 reasons)

  1. Air conditioning - to avoid the hot sun
  2. Increased use of multi-media indoors
  3. More indoor jobs - more office workers, fewer farmers
  4. Living in cities more
  5. Want whiter skin - especially women
  6. Fear skin cancer -
  7. Cholesterol reduced
  8. More Obesity
  9. Soft drink cola
  10. Meat from factory farms
  11. Some drugs consume or block vitamin D
  12. increased use of polyunsaturated fats
  13. More windows appear to destroy vitamin D (added March 2012)

    14 reasons are more than 40 years old
  14. Eat less liver - which used to have very large amounts of vitamin D
  15. Less Magnesium in foods
  16. More Seniors
  17. Excessive clothing (burka, nun habit, . . .)
  18. Have a condition which Consumes vitamin D
  19. Have a condition which Prevents Adsorption in the gut
  20. Have a condition which Prevents Conversion to active form
  21. Have a condition which requires more vitamin D
  22. Lactose Intolerance or Vegan
  23. Health reasons to avoid sun
  24. Work long hours or night shift
  25. Live far from equator
  26. DDT in our bodies reduce the vitamin D
  27. Myths about vitamin D

See VitaminDWiki