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Omega-3 greatly reduced sleep deprivation problems in rats – June 2018

The role of omega-3 on modulation of cognitive deficiency induced by REM sleep deprivation in rats

Behavioural Brain Research. online 2 June 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2018.06.002
Mohammad Nasehia, nasehi at iricss.org, , Seyed Moslem Mousavi Nezhadb, Fatemeh Khakpaia, Mohammad-Reza Zarrindastc, d, e, ,


Started with Omega-3 injection of rats for 3 days

milligrams/ 10 grams of body weightgrams if body weight = 80 kg
0.252 gram
0.5 4 gram
1.0 8 gram
1.25 10 gram

for some tests 1.25 was uniquely good,
for some tests 1.25 was also good,
for some tests 1.25 was uniquely bad
Then Fear Conditioning
Then Deprived rats of REM sleep
Then tested Performance
A few of the results

See also VitaminDWiki

Items in both categories Sleep and Omega-3 are listed here:

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PDF is with great charts is available free at Sci-Hub

•Omega-3 showed dual effect on context- or auditory-dependent fear memory.
•Intravenously administration of omega-3 induced anxiolytic-like behaviors.
•Depression-like behaviors decreased by injection of omega-3.
•Administration of omega-3 produced anti-nociceptive responses.
•Omega-3 plays main role in cognitive deficiencies induced by RSD.

Prolonged sleep deprivation causes cognitive deficits. In rats, for instance, sleep deprivation weakens spatial learning and long-term potentiation (LTP). We examined the effects of omega-3 on cognitive deficiency induced by REM sleep deprivation (RSD). For this purpose, we used a fear conditioning paradigm, forced swim test (FST) apparatus, and hot plate test. Intravenously omega-3 injection was performed during 3 consecutive days. Rats trained in the fear conditioning apparatus after 24 hours. During conditioning, animals were received foot shocks, either alone or paired with a sound. Sleep deprivation paradigm was carried out in which REM sleep was completely prevented and non-REM sleep was intensely declined for 24 hours. Then, context-dependent retention, anxiety behaviors, and hot plate tests were done. Auditory-dependent retention, anxiety behaviors, and FST were carried out 24 hours later. 24 hours of RSD impaired cognitive function, however intravenously administration of omega-3 improved (0.25, 0.5 and 1 mg/kg) context- or auditory-dependent memory, induced anxiolytic (1 mg/kg), antidepressant (1.25 mg/kg), and anti-nociceptive (0.25 mg/kg) effects. The results revealed that RSD interferes with the neural systems underlying cognitive functions and supports the involvement of omega-3 in the modulation of cognitive functions.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday June 10, 2018 11:22:20 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 5)

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9943 Immobility time.jpg admin 10 Jun, 2018 27.94 Kb 693
9942 Context.jpg admin 10 Jun, 2018 34.28 Kb 665
9941 RSD.jpg admin 10 Jun, 2018 24.31 Kb 653