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Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Categories
15547 Vitamin D improves Cardiovascular Health in 8 ways – Sept 2024 24
18 Sep, 2024 23:05
15546 T2 Diabetes and associated CVD problems fought by Vitamin D (weekly 50,000 IU) – Sept 2024 27
18 Sep, 2024 20:59
15545 More Ultraviolet Radiation, Less Cardiovascular Disease – Aug 2024 48
18 Sep, 2024 20:33
15544 Vitamin D cheat sheet - Dr. Somerville 132
17 Sep, 2024 16:01
15543 de33aeaa6dd0739a73eb538bc112311b 14
17 Sep, 2024 02:30
15542 Sunburn therapy – single 200,000 IU of oral vitamin D (smaller dose of topical probably better) – Sept 2024 49
16 Sep, 2024 02:27
15541 Highly likely that neonate will be vitamin D deficient if the mother was - Sept 2024 82
15 Sep, 2024 23:13
15540 Vitamin D, Omega-3, and Magnesium are synergistic - many studies 88
15 Sep, 2024 23:31
15539 Toxoplasma gondii infection risk cut in half if high Vitamin D – Aug 2024 78
14 Sep, 2024 12:13
15538 65% of UK govt. nutrition advisors are paid by food companies – BMJ Sept 2024 60
13 Sep, 2024 23:05
15537 US Military, like several countries, no longer pays for vitamin D testing unless overtly deficient – Aug 2024 66
13 Sep, 2024 21:44
15536 Parkinson's doubled in 26 years (1 in 3 people now how a neurological condition) – 2024 64
13 Sep, 2024 18:03
15535 COVID vaccination clots -The Embalmer Analysis Results Will Blow Your Mind - video Sept 2024 104
13 Sep, 2024 16:07
15534 Sunlight and health - many studies 83
13 Sep, 2024 10:58
15533 Off topic: Gluten is associated with more than 30 health problems - Sept 2024 84
12 Sep, 2024 20:32
15532 Ortho Vitamin D Resistance 81
12 Sep, 2024 12:12
15530 Blood in the retina 10.5 X more likely if low vitamin D – Aug 2024 69
11 Sep, 2024 20:38
15529 COVID ICU use reduced by 42% if take more than 100,000 IU of vitamin D over two weeks – meta-analysis Sept 2024 57
11 Sep, 2024 15:44
15528 Type 2 Diabetes 2 X less likely if triple the vitamin D level (222,000 Danes) - Sept 2024 94
10 Sep, 2024 23:32
15527 Off topic: Earthing works – proven by RCTs (connected vs not to ground) to improve sleep, etc. 227
14 Sep, 2024 17:41
15526 Dietary fat increased Vitamin D response by 32% – RCT Feb 2015 76
10 Sep, 2024 01:56
15525 Heavy metals can cause health problems if low vitamin D (depression in this study) – Nov 2024 91
09 Sep, 2024 15:24
15524 Lymphatic system: cleans the body, transports fat-soluble vitamins to the blood 88
10 Sep, 2024 01:54
15523 Vitamin D reduces toxicity of Cadmium and Lead on bone health – Sept 2024 102
07 Sep, 2024 23:13
15522 Pfizer paid 3 billion dollars in fines before COVID, now is "extreme example of a bad corporate actor" Sept 2024 2099
06 Sep, 2024 20:02
15521 Poor Vitamin D Receptor does not increase the risk of Breast Cancer (but the opposite is true) – umbrella meta-analys... 99
06 Sep, 2024 18:29
15520 Things that the Founder of VitaminDWiki does for his health - Sept 2024 220
08 Sep, 2024 01:10
15519 Vitamin D interview and transcript - Dr. Holick Aug 2024 149
06 Sep, 2024 00:05
15518 Lancet analyzed 15 micronutrient deficiencies - but ignored vitamin D - Aug 2024 130
03 Sep, 2024 12:43
15517 COVID US booster shot to cost 200 dollars (if uninsured) - Sept 2024 152
03 Sep, 2024 12:01
15516 Vitamin D would probably help both CKD and Kidney transplant (PDF behind paywall) – Sept 2024 103
03 Sep, 2024 10:55
15515 Obese women had larger response to oral v.s. injected Vitamin D – Jan 2024 102
03 Sep, 2024 10:33
15514 Water-soluble form of vitamins are needed for some health problems 103
03 Sep, 2024 01:34
15513 Colorectal Adenomas (precursors of colorectal cancer) 3.9 X more likely if lower vitamin D – Aug 2024 107
02 Sep, 2024 01:04
15511 Prenatal Vitamin B12 improves brains, 13 of 19 studies – May 2024 94
01 Sep, 2024 10:47
15510 Fewer fetal follicles (future eggs) if low vitamin D during pregnancy (sheep) – Aug 2024 67
31 Aug, 2024 15:38
15509 Vitamin D or bright light treat COVID, TB, SAD, etc. 274
31 Aug, 2024 21:07
15508 People who do not catch COVID have a gene mutation (HLA-DQA2) which INCREASES cellular Vitamin D – June 2024 122
30 Aug, 2024 22:57
15507 Problems with tendon connecting bicep to elbow occur 2.6 X more often in people with low vitamin D (200,000 people) –... 135
30 Aug, 2024 20:47
15506 Activated Vitamin D (calcitriol) injection speeds up orthodontic tooth movement (growth) – Aug 2024 117
30 Aug, 2024 15:44
15505 Heart problems in submariners (they appear to be unaware of a 60 year old UVB solution) – Aug 2024 83
29 Aug, 2024 17:26
15504 Five indicators of poor heart health are 3X more likely if low vitamin D – Aug 2024 98
29 Aug, 2024 15:17
15503 D3, D2, K2, sun, etc. - Interview and transcript Sunil Aug 2024 216
30 Aug, 2024 23:58
15502 Type 2 Diabetes and Vitamin D – Overview of 20 years of research – Aug 2024 191
28 Aug, 2024 21:42
15501 COVID Vaccinations can cause problems - 42% of healthcare workers (Irish survey) - Aug 2024 138
27 Aug, 2024 22:11
15500 ICU - need Vitamin D ASAP - interview and transcript, Matthews Aug 2024 293
05 Sep, 2024 20:40
15499 Pituitary, Growth Hormone and Vitamin D – Aug 2024 73
27 Aug, 2024 13:07
15498 Surgery complications cut in half by 300,000 IU of vitamin D 2 weeks before (hip and knee) – RCT May 2024 393
27 Aug, 2024 02:45
15497 Lupus 1.5X more likely if consume ultraprocessed foods (which reduces vitamin D) – June 2024 54
26 Aug, 2024 16:35
15496 Chronic health problems and Vitamin D - many studies 92
24 Aug, 2024 20:45
15495 Pigs were given ultraviolet light or vitamin D daily – Aug 2024 119
24 Aug, 2024 19:59
15491 30-40 % of people dislike swallowing pills (note: there are many other forms of Vitamin D) – Aug 2024 91
27 Aug, 2024 13:42
15490 Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, dementia etc. might be prevented by vitamin D (abstract only) – Sept 2024 242
22 Aug, 2024 13:58
15489 Many viral diseases can be fought by immune system-augmented Vitamin D - Sunil Aug 2024 434
25 Aug, 2024 11:44
15488 New immigrant South Asian Indian men have worse Vitamin D and bones than Caucasians (US) – Sept 2024 6463
22 Aug, 2024 20:55
15487 Pfizer COVID vaccinations resulted in altering immune systems (increased IgG4 ) – Aug 2024 398
21 Aug, 2024 01:49
15486 Very preterm infants with low vitamin D are 4 X more likely to have retinal problems – Aug 2024 167
19 Aug, 2024 23:04
15485 ADHD 4.9 X higher risk if less than 12 ng of vitamin D during early pregnancy – Aug 2024 203
19 Aug, 2024 20:28
15484 A poor gene (SDR42E1) can greatly reduce Vitamin D from the sun (may be prevalent in the Middle East) – Aug 2024 320
19 Aug, 2024 19:47
15483 Plantar Fascitis (10% have it) treated by 50,000 IU of Vitamin D – Aug 2024 217
17 Aug, 2024 19:23
15482 Omega-3 fatty acid in pregnancy reduces risk of preterm and early preterm birth – Feb 2024 261
19 Aug, 2024 12:57
15481 Risk of Fibrocystic Breast disease is increased if low Vitamin D - May 2024 111
16 Aug, 2024 23:22
15480 Cisplatin-Based chemotherapy greatly increased by vitamin D supplementation - Dec 2023 119
16 Aug, 2024 22:24
15479 US health care 117
16 Aug, 2024 14:50
15478 More People Would Supplement With Vitamin D If They Knew THIS - Rhonda Patrick video Aug 2024 459
15 Aug, 2024 18:06
15477 Afib implants (cardiac resynchronization therapy) are 3X less likely to help if low vitamin D – July 2024 243
15 Aug, 2024 17:28
15476 Children had a better response to Vitamin D given every 2 weeks than daily – RCT Aug 2024 299
15 Aug, 2024 14:59
15475 3 Cancers have higher mortality if high PTH (which can be lowered by Vitamin D) - Aug 2024 163
15 Aug, 2024 14:08
15474 A poor lymph system can reduce Vitamin D getting to blood - if not use water-soluble form 421
14 Aug, 2024 22:10
15473 Viral infections reduced 40% by monthly 100,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT review Aug 2024 573
13 Aug, 2024 17:51
15472 Risk of bleeding in the eye (RVO) is 14 X more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2024 155
13 Aug, 2024 11:38
15471 Pregnancy vegetarian guidelines, even with standard supplements, have less than 600 IU of Vitamin D – Aug 2024 130
13 Aug, 2024 11:10
15470 Athletic strength improved by Vitamin D – meta-analysis May 2024 377
13 Aug, 2024 03:01
15469 Tissues vary widely in their use and storage of Vitamin D metabolites – Aug 2024 184
12 Aug, 2024 19:45
15468 Office workers and Vitamin D - several studies 297
12 Aug, 2024 15:46
15467 High-Doses (50,000 IU weekly, etc.) if at high risk of Vitamin D deficiency - Aug 2024 270
14 Aug, 2024 01:08
15466 IU could be called Mouse Unit (1 IU is RDA for 10 gram mouse), 400 IU is RDA for human 10 kg infant 116
11 Aug, 2024 22:01
15465 Strokes are both prevented and treated by Vitamin D – July 2022 594
11 Aug, 2024 19:23
15464 Stroke and Vitamin D meta-analyses - many studies 1259
11 Aug, 2024 18:34
15463 Hemorrhagic Stroke – increased risk if low vitamin D – July 2023 188
11 Aug, 2024 18:05
15462 Hemorrhagic stroke death reduced if add calcitriol (mice) – Aug 2024 89
11 Aug, 2024 17:43
15461 Vitamin D levels jumped during COVID - 2X more had at least 50 ng, 8X more had at least 100 ng – July 2024 331
11 Aug, 2024 15:13
15460 Less ultramarathon heart damage if take 150,000 IU of Vitamin D a day earlier – RCT July 2024 166
11 Aug, 2024 13:38
15459 Colon Cancer survival increases with vitamin D, up to 50 ng – Aug 2024 184
11 Aug, 2024 01:33
15458 Pentadecanoic acid (C15:0), a fatty acid from grass-fed animals, is essential for human health 337
16 Aug, 2024 17:13
15457 Heart Failure and Vitamin D - many studies 7071
10 Aug, 2024 19:16
15456 Chronic Heart Failure helped by Vitamin D – meta-analysis Aug 2024 241
10 Aug, 2024 18:49
15455 Suppression of CYP24A1 gene got more Vitamin D to cells to fight Breast Cancer – March 2023 288
10 Aug, 2024 02:18
15454 Risk of Prostate Cancer metastatic death cut in half if 2 vitamin D genes are not downregulated (or perhaps if higher... 259
10 Aug, 2024 11:38
15453 COVID 8X more likely to be asymptomatic if had 3 or more vaccinations – Aug 2024 384
10 Aug, 2024 00:32
15452 Risk of Alzheimer’s is decreased by food, supplements, and lifestyle – Aug 2024 361
09 Aug, 2024 01:50
15451 Death within 1 year if over age 80: low vitamin D was almost the strongest reason – Aug 2024 262
08 Aug, 2024 20:12
15450 First birth labor lasts an hour longer if low vitamin D – June 2024 76
08 Aug, 2024 14:00
15449 Mechanisms by which Vitamin D prevents and treats a score of diseases – July 2024 506
07 Aug, 2024 16:20
15448 Prostate cancer risk reduced by Vitamin D (4000 IU daily) – June 2024 192
07 Aug, 2024 15:33
15447 Vitamin D targets 61 Immune system genes (based on response to 80,000 IU) – July 2024 149
05 Aug, 2024 20:48
15446 Countries that measure Vitamin D in nmol vs ng - Aug 2024 77
05 Aug, 2024 19:54
15445 APOE-04 Alzheimer’s progression slowed up by Omega-3 – RCT Aug 2024 195
05 Aug, 2024 15:36
15444 Diabetics with low vitamin D had 1.4X more infections – Aug 2024 158
05 Aug, 2024 13:37
15443 Plant Nitrates decrease mortality, other Nitrates increase mortality (Nitric Oxide) - May 2024 185
05 Aug, 2024 13:02

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