
Reduce probability of getting the Flu

This page is in two sections: WHAT TO DO, followed by DETAILS

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A staggering body of evidence and study points to vitamin D as a better flu deterrent than a flu shot.

Greatly reduce your chance of getting the flu by taking just one vitamin D capsule twice a month

Buy a bottle of 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 capsules and mark your calendar to take one every second week
On the assigned day take your sunshine in a capsule and then mark it off.
If you forget to look at your calendar for a few days, you can take the capsule days later.

   Example, every other Sunday

Sounds like a lot of vitamin D, but it is actually just 0.00125 grams = 1.250 milligrams = 1250 mcg (micrograms)
  This is the same weight as just 6 grains of salt
  Even a tiny grain of rice weighs 20X more than 50,000 IU of vitamin D

One bottle of 50,000 IU vitamin D3 capsules, which costs less than $26 (including shipping), provides vitamin D benefits for 12 months.

Within 2 months you will most likely experience some of the following vitamin D side-effects:

  • Fewer colds, aches, pains, headaches, allergies
  • Feeling younger, sexier, more fertile
  • Reduced back pain, blood pressure, winter blues, weight
  • Better Sleep, hair

(Following is only on the press release)
CLICK HERE for papers, videos, studies, which document how vitamin D reduces Flu

50,000 IU vitamin every two weeks cuts the chance of getting the flu by 80%

800 IU vitamin D is much better than vaccine, and 2000 IU vitamin D is far better

Chart of influenza with placebo 800 and 2000 IU -2007
CLICK HEREfor chart details

Each additional 4 ng of vitamin D in blood reduced chance of the Flu by 7%

  Example: increase from 10 ng to 60 ng ==> reduce infection by 88%

Prevent colds and flu with vitamin D many articles

Dr. Oz and Yale Flu Prevention Director Dec 15, 2011

Both say you should have 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily during flu season, in addition to the flu vaccinne

YouTube has more 32,000 videos on vitamin D and (Influenza OR flu) - examples

Vitamin D Council and Dr. Cannell

Within 2 months you will also likely experience one or more of these additional benefits: (click underlined items for more information)

Fewer colds 1 2 3 4 (Sci Am 2009) aches, chronic pain, headaches, allergies
Feeling younger, sexier, more fertile
Reduced back pain, blood pressure, winter blues, weight
Better Sleep,  Hair

What if a person already has the flu?

Perhaps take 3 capsules per day (see notes below)
Clipped from a 2008 paper by Dr. Cannell
"Theoretically, pharmacological doses of vitamin D (2,000 IU/kg/day for three days) may produce enough of the naturally occurring antibiotic cathelicidin to cure common viral respiratory infections, such as influenza and the common cold, but such a theory awaits further science."
Notes: Pharmacological dose = The dose needed to make a drug medically effective in treating an illness.
  A 200 lb (91 kg) person would thus need about 3 of the 50,000 IU capsules daily for 3 days
   Pharmacological dose is less than 1/30 of the Toxic level of vitamin D for 3 days
  Loading doses equal to Pharmacological dose are common

Flu vaccine = controversy CLICK HERE

Even though many studies show the the flu vaccine to be not very effective, "not much better than placebo, "of moderate benefit
you might want to cover all bases and have vitamin D AND the vaccine - Possible exception: Pregnancy

See also VitaminDWiki

A single 50,000 IU capsule vs 24 ibuprofin capsules to reduce flu symptoms


See also Web

  • Can Vitamin D Replace Flu Shots? Wall Street Journal Dec 2010
    >38 ng half as likely to get the flu
  • Vitamin D better than vaccine date = Dec 2010?
    200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness
    At best, vaccines might be effective against only influenza A and B, which represent about 10% of all circulating viruses.
    They used data from all over the world, from the last 110 years, to show that influenza death rates go up as vitamin D producing UV light goes down.
    Furthermore the differences were staggering, with influenza death rates 20 to 600 times higher during months when vitamin D cannot be made in the skin.

short URL for this page = is.gd/vitdflu

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
940 Flu map.jpg admin 17 Dec, 2011 81.78 Kb 2427
937 month.gif admin 15 Dec, 2011 3.27 Kb 3509
920 flu vaccine.jpg admin 06 Dec, 2011 24.29 Kb 8744
910 vitamin-d-and-IBProfin.jpg admin 02 Dec, 2011 77.69 Kb 12650