Have Pain? Are You Crazy? Rare Diseases Pt. 2 Scientific American Feb 2014
- Most orphan diseases have a genetic basis
- 95% have no approved treatment.
- Survey found it took orphan disease patients an average of 7.6 years to be properly diagnosed,
after visits to 8 physicians.
Rare Disease Wikipedia
- Many rare diseases appear early in life
- About 30 % of children with rare diseases will die before age 5
- A disease may be considered rare in one part of the world, or in a particular group of people, but still be common in another.
Comment by VitaminDWiki: Rickets is a rare disease in developed countries (1 in 200,000) but is common in Mongolia (1 in 5) - EURORDIS lumps both rare diseases and neglected diseases into a larger category of orphan diseases.
estimates that as many as 5,000 to 7,000 distinct rare diseases exist, and as much as 6% to 8% of the population of the European Union is affected by one.
See also VitaminDWiki
- Search VitaminDWiki for ("rare disease" OR orphan disease") 42 items as of Feb 2014
- Low Vitamin D strongly associated with Systemic Sclerosis - many studies
- Mastocytosis and Vitamin D
- Huntington disease patients also have low levels of vitamin D - July 2013
- Application to FDA for use of active Vitamin D for hemodialysis patients – July 2011
- Youthful heart attacks associated with low vitamin D – Nov 2010
- Chronic Bronchitis 2.6 percent less likely for every extra ng of vitamin D – CDC Sept 2011
- The lower the vitamin D level the more severe the rare bronchiectasis – Oct 2012
- Overview Pain and Vitamin D even if it cannot prevent/treat the rare disease, vitamin D might be able to reduce the pain
- If you cannot readily get medical treatment, consider Alternative Med such as vitamin D
- Vitamin D relieves pain – 2008 2010
- Discover the Pain of Vitamin D Deficiency
- Search PubMed for ("rare disease" OR "orphan disease") "vitamin d" 33 items as of Feb 2014
- Williams-Beuren Syndrome (rare) and too much Vitamin D
Note: VitaminDWiki has not had enough resources to report on the Orphan Diseases and Vitamin D since about 2012.
Far, Far too much to read/upload of the “non-rare” diseases and health problems