South Korea: Government to compensate for all post Covid-19 vaccination deaths within 90 days of the jab, regardless of proof of causality
Trial Site News 1 Trial Site News 2
Some questions in #1
- Does it make sense to have a compensation system, from the tax-payer to the tax-payer, for harms caused by a product produced by a profit making private entity?
- Is financial compensation a just response to post-vaccination adverse events if proper informed consent was never disseminated, and people were misinformed, misled or even coerced to get jabbed?
- What about justice for the un-jabbed who chose not to expose themselves to known & possibly unknown adverse effects of a novel medical product, and were unfairly discriminated against as a "consequence" of this "choice"?
- Given the massive Covid-19 waves post mass administration of vaccines, and thousands who've been compensated for vaccine injury, has there been a tremendous toll on life, limb & tax payer's money? What would've the impact been in the absence of any vaccination campaign?
10 of the vaccine problem studies in VitaminDWiki
- V-safe - 7% had emergency medical after vaccination - CDC response, cancel V-safe - Sept 2023
- Vaccine Clinical Trial - cardiovascular death 3.7X more likely if vaccinated - preprint Sept 2023
- Myocarditis, Pericarditis 2X more likely if had COVID vaccination in previous 30 days - meta-analysis June 2023
- 74% of autopsies were found to be related to COVID vaccination (from 44 studies) – Lancet July 2023
- 13 B dollar income to Pfizer and Moderna, 147 B dollar cost of vaccine problems (just US) - March 2023
- 3,600 studies found COVID Vaccination problems (REACT19) - Dec 2024
- COVID vaccination increased by 137X the risk of 10-14 year olds of dying (UK) – Jan 2023
- Vaccine Clinical Trial - cardiovascular death 3.7X more likely if vaccinated - preprint Sept 2023
- Excess deaths 14.9 million, COVID Deaths 5.4 million (2020-2021) - WHO May 2023
- YouTube removed 1,000,000 videos on Vaccine Safety or Efficacy as of Sept 2022
VitaminDWiki - Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023