Toggle Health Problems and D

probably invalid

Previous title: More likely to die if under age 60 and got COVID vaccination (UK) — Masterjohn Dec 2021

COVID Vaccines: In Search of All-Cause Mortality

NOTE: Why this chart could be invalid
The original data merges the death rates of older ages (say 50-59 who vaccinate more) with younger ages (say 20-30 who vaccinates less)
Thus, the chart is not age adjusted

UK death rates for groups: with or without vaccination (table 4)

Week 13 = April 2;   Week 38 = Sept 24

VitaminDWiki pages with Masterjohn in the title

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 19
Title Modified
Lots of Biotonin needed sometimes (excess protein, etc.) - Masterjohn Jan 2023 20 Jan, 2023
Real Anthony Fauci - book synopsis by Masterjohn Dec 3, 2021 14 May, 2022
PhD working at VAERS on problems with vacc system - Masterjohn interview and transcript- Dec 27, 2021 27 Dec, 2021
COVID natural Immunity is most likely better than vaccination immunity- literature review by Masterjohn - Oct 2021 24 Oct, 2021
High-dose Omega-3 fought COVID in 2 hospital trials (6x reduction in ICU, reduced time) – Masterjohn Oct 2021 14 Oct, 2021
Vitamin D and COVID, review of evidence, loading dose if less than 50 ng - Masterjohn Sept 2021 05 Sep, 2021
The Evolution of Diverse Vitamin D Requirements – Masterjohn video Aug 2016 18 Jan, 2017
Vitamin D is good, but must balance Vitamins A and K2 to prevent Calcification – Masterjohn Aug 2014 31 Dec, 2014
Interactions of Vitamins D, A, and K, should measure calcitriol, calcification – Masterjohn Aug 2013 28 Nov, 2014
Hypothesis – low vitamin D level may indicate Calcium deficiency – Masterjohn II Dec 2013 14 Jan, 2014
Synergism between Vitamin D, Vitamin K-2, and Vitamin A: Masterjohn – Sept 2013 03 Oct, 2013
Masterjohn on relationships between Vitamin A D and K – Dec 2010 03 Oct, 2013
Cholesterol, Vitamins D3 and K2, heart disease, sulfates, LDL, – Masterjohn Interview Jan 2013 30 Sep, 2013
Price and Masterjohn on Vitamin A Vitamin D and Vitamin K – 2010 26 Oct, 2012
Synergism between vitamin A and vitamin D – Masterjohn June 2010 26 Oct, 2012
Response by Masterjohn on vitamin A thwarting vitamin D – Mar 2010 26 Oct, 2012
Masterjohn on Tufts and vitamin A D and K April 2009 31 Oct, 2011
Latitude may not be too associated with vitamin D – Masterjohn Dec 2010 13 Mar, 2011
Vitamin D and latitude Masterjohn - Dec 2010 24 Dec, 2010

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday December 6, 2021 10:53:38 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 12)
probably invalid        
691 visitors, last modified 06 Dec, 2021,
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16695 UK deaths.jpg admin 06 Dec, 2021 58.26 Kb 127