
Vitamin D might increase lifespan – clinical trial with 5,000 mice - June 2021

Investigational drugs and nutrients for human longevity.
Recent clinical trials registered in ClinicalTrials.gov and clinicaltrialsregister.eu

Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 2021 June 3 doi: 10.1080/13543784.2021.1939306
Ricardo P Garay

INTRODUCTION: Several pharmacological drugs have shown proof of concept for longevity in animal models. I aimed to identify and review those longevity drug candidates that are undergoing clinical trials.

AREAS COVERED: Recent (post-2017) longevity clinical trials were found in US and EU clinical trial registries. Longevity drug candidates are the antidiabetic drugs metformin and acarbose, and the immunosuppressant rapamycin. These medicinal drugs are tested on biochemical and clinical markers of aging. In addition, vitamin D supplementation is being investigated in two mega-trials (sample size> 5000) for its efficacy in reducing all-cause mortality.

EXPERT OPINION: Anti-aging effects of longevity drug candidates suggest, but do not demonstrate that they prolong life. The two megatrials with vitamin D supplementation make it possible to detect differences in life expectancy between vitamin D and placebo. Therefore, a protocol similar to that for vitamin D could be used to demonstrate pro-longevity effects of metformin, acarbose, and rapamycin.

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Mortality starts with:

{FONT(size="18")} People die sooner if they have low vitamin D{FONT}
{img fileId="2699" width ="450" link="People die sooner if they have low vitamin D – Nov 2014"}
click on image for details

There are {SQL(db=>vitamind)}SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tiki_category_objects` WHERE `categId`=30{SQL} articles in Mortality category

{DIV(class="lefth4")}LECT catObjectId, COUNT(*) FROM `tiki_category_objects` WHERE categId = 30 OR categId = 82 GROUP BY catObjectId HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) AS categs INNER JOIN tiki_objects ON tiki_objects.objectId = categs.catObjectId WHERE type = "wiki page"{SQL} Mortality Meta-analyses
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{FONT(size="17")} See also in VitaminDWiki{FONT}

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