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Soy associated with food allergies in mice (perhaps Roundup) – Nov 2018

Mouse Chow Composition Influences Immune Responses and Food Allergy Development in a Mouse Model.

Nutrients. 2018 Nov 16;10(11). pii: E1775. doi: 10.3390/nu10111775.
Weidmann E1, Samadi N2, Klems M3, Heiden D4, Seppova K5, Ret D6,7, Untersmayr E8.

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Our diet is known to substantially influence the immune response not only by support of mucosal barriers but also via direct impact on immune cells. Thus, it was of great interest to compare the immunological effect of two mouse chows with substantial differences regarding micro-, macronutrient, lipid and vitamin content on the food allergic response in our previously established mouse model. As the two mouse chows of interest, we used a soy containing feed with lower fatty acid (FA) amount (soy-containing feed) and compared it to a soy free mouse chow (soy-free feed) in an established protocol of oral immunizations with Ovalbumin (OVA) under gastric acid suppression. In the animals receiving soy-containing feed, OVA-specific IgE, IgG1, IgG2a antibody levels were significantly elevated and food allergy was evidenced by a drop of body temperature after oral immunizations.
In contrast, mice on soy-free diet had significantly higher levels of IL-10 and were protected from food allergy development.
In conclusion, soy-containing feed was auxiliary during sensitizations, while soy-free feed supported oral tolerance development and food allergy prevention.

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