
More muscle response when have adequate vitamin D

An excellent study showed why vitamin D helps muscle response.

The image below was photographed from a Vitamin D encyclopedia edited by Feldman and published in 2005.
The original information, as you can see on the image, was published in 2000
Summary: The muscle force increased by 50% when the person had adequate level of vitamin D

The same electrical pulse was given to a leg muscle before, during, and after the addition of vitamin D to their diet
People with low level of vitamin D initially had the least reaction to the pulse: N = 50 approx
The strength of the reaction to the pulse increased over months of adding vitamin D ( does not mention how much vitamin D)
until the strength of the reaction (the kick) was measured to be N = 75 approx.

This implies that elderly will fall less if they have enough vitamin D
The muscles will put out 50% more force when given a brain signal to react fall type situation.

This increased force is probably due to the vitamin D improving the Calcium metabolism, which is essential for muscle activity.
Chart from ency editor Feldman 2005. Shows that those with slow muscle twitch are able to speed up response by taking vitamin D supplements.  PROOF

See also VitaminDWiki

Falls and Fractures category in VitaminDWiki contains the following


Left hand column section as of Nov 2024
