Sunlight ultraviolet radiation dose is negatively correlated with the percent positive of SARS-CoV-2 and four other common human coronaviruses in the U.S
Sci Total Environ. 2020 Aug 19;751:141816. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141816
Liwei Tang 1, Min Liu 2, Bingyu Ren 3, Zongting Wu 4, Xunci Yu 3, Chen Peng 5, Jing Tian 6
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Human coronaviruses are RNA viruses that are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Sunlight contains UVA (320-400 nm), UVB (260-320 nm) and UVC (200-260 nm) action spectra. UVC can inactivate coronaviruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The incidence and mortality of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are considered to be correlated with vitamin D levels. Vitamin D synthesis in human skin is closely related to exposure to UVB radiation. Therefore, the incidence and mortality of COVID-19 are also considered to be correlated with Vitamin D levels. In this study, Spearman and Kendall rank correlation analysis tests were used to analyze the correlation between the average percent positive of five human coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-2, CoVHKU1, CoVNL63, CoVOC43, and CoV229E) in the U.S. and the corresponding sunlight UV radiation dose The results indicated that the monthly average percent positive of four common coronaviruses was significantly negatively correlated with the sunlight UV radiation dose. The weekly percent positive of SARS-CoV-2 during April 17, 2020 to July 10, 2020 showed a significant negative correlation with the sunlight UV radiation dose in census regions 1 and 2 of the U.S. while no statistical significance in the other regions. Additionally, sunlight UV radiation also showed some negative effects with respect to the early SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
VitaminDWiki Items in both categories UV and Virus are listed here:
- COVID and other Virus fought by UV - many studies
- Model discovered: More UV, less COVID (many excellent charts) – Sept 2022
- COVID hospital deaths reduced 2X by 8 days of UVB – pilot RCT May 2022
- UV and COVID: Prevention and perhaps treatment
- 11 percent fewer COVID-19 deaths if lockdowns had allowed sunshine – Nov 2021
- COVID-19 deaths - 30 percent fewer if high UVA (US, etc) – Aug 2021
- 4th highest county in the US has a very low COVID-19 rate (high UV, high vitamin D)
- COVID-19 onset strongly associated with latitude in Europe (Vitamin D)– Jan 21, 2021
- UV provides the best explanation of COVID-19 variation in Italy (74 pcnt) – Nov 2020
- More UVB, less Coronavirus – including SARS-CoV-2 – Aug 2020
- Less COVID-19 at high altitude due to more Vitamin D or other possible reasons – July 2020
- Far fewer COVID-19 deaths in the summer (Europe, Canada)
- High-altitude Cusco, Peru has far lower rate of COVID-19 than others (high UVB and Vitamin D) - June 2020
- Influenza Virus aerosols killed by 10 minutes of sunlight (far faster if use UV-C) – Nov 2019
- Influenza Virus aerosols killed by 10 minutes of sunlight (faster if use UVB, UVCC– Nov 2019
- Ultraviolet light kills cold and flu viruses, and generates Vitamin D in the skin
- C-FORCE: Sun rising on role of vitamin D in COVID-19 fight Aug 31
- Speculation as to why Homeless get less COVID
- Being outdoors more reduces chance of aerosol infection
- Being outdoors more increases Vitamin D from the sun
- Speculation as to why Homeless get less COVID