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Household chemicals found to be the source of half of urban pollution (and thus decreased urban vitamin D) – Feb 2018

The Air Pollutants in Your Medicine Cabinet Atlantic

A new study finds that many household goods degrade air quality more than once thought.

The sampling of the air above Los Angeles in 2010 was finally reported on in 2018

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki


Volatile chemical products emerging as largest petrochemical source of urban organic emissions

Science 16 Feb 2018:, Vol. 359, Issue 6377, pp. 760-764, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaq0524
Brian C. McDonald1,2,*, Joost A. de Gouw1,2, Jessica B. Gilman2, Shantanu H. Jathar3, Ali Akherati3, Christopher D. Cappa4, Jose L. Jimenez1,5, Julia Lee-Taylor1,6, Patrick L. Hayes7, Stuart A. McKeen1,2, Yu Yan Cui1,2,†, Si-Wan Kim1,2,‡, Drew R. Gentner8,9, Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz10, Allen H. Goldstein11,12, Robert A. Harley12, Gregory J. Frost2, James M. Roberts2, Thomas B. Ryerson2, Michael Trainer2

Air pollution evolution
Transport-derived emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have decreased owing to stricter controls on air pollution. This means that the relative importance of chemicals in pesticides, coatings, printing inks, adhesives, cleaning agents, and personal care products has increased. McDonald et al. show that these volatile chemical products now contribute fully one-half of emitted VOCs in 33 industrialized cities (see the Perspective by Lewis). Thus, the focus of efforts to mitigate ozone formation and toxic chemical burdens need to be adjusted.

A gap in emission inventories of urban volatile organic compound (VOC) sources, which contribute to regional ozone and aerosol burdens, has increased as transportation emissions in the United States and Europe have declined rapidly. A detailed mass balance demonstrates that the use of volatile chemical products (VCPs)—including pesticides, coatings, printing inks, adhesives, cleaning agents, and personal care products—now constitutes half of fossil fuel VOC emissions in industrialized cities. The high fraction of VCP emissions is consistent with observed urban outdoor and indoor air measurements. We show that human exposure to carbonaceous aerosols of fossil origin is transitioning away from transportation-related sources and toward VCPs. Existing U.S. regulations on VCPs emphasize mitigating ozone and air toxics, but they currently exempt many chemicals that lead to secondary organic aerosols.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday February 21, 2018 22:08:20 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 4)

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9384 VoC as a source of Smog.jpg admin 21 Feb, 2018 37.12 Kb 730
9383 VoC.pdf admin 21 Feb, 2018 341.18 Kb 1065
9382 VoC F4.jpg admin 21 Feb, 2018 21.42 Kb 716