
Contributions of Sunlight and Diet to Vitamin D Status - Sept 2012

Contributions of Sunlight and Diet to Vitamin D Status.

Calcif Tissue Int. 2012 Sep 22.
Macdonald HM.

Musculoskeletal Research, Health Sciences Building, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD, UK, h.macdonald at abdn.ac.uk.

Vitamin D is made in the skin using ultraviolet radiation of specific low wavelength, 290-315 nm (UVB).
For many parts of the world there is a period when there is insufficient intensity of UVB to make vitamin D, which is reflected by a clear seasonal variation in vitamin D status.
Sun avoidance practices, melanin in pigmented skin, and sun protection creams (sunscreen), if used properly, can dramatically reduce vitamin D synthesis.
Few foods naturally contain vitamin D, although some countries fortify foods with vitamin D.
Regulatory mechanisms in the skin mean there is no danger of vitamin D toxicity through sunlight synthesis.
Although oral vitamin D is potentially toxic with high-dose supplements, there is a wide safety margin.
Long-term safety data covering a range of potential adverse outcomes are limited.

PMID: 23001438

Longer shadow = higher risk of cancer


Vitamin D from sun and food during 4 seasons in the UK


NOTE: Surrey is near London (Dark Brown), Aberdeen is far North (white)
see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=2289

PDF which was available to the public Dec 2012 is attached at the bottom of this page

See also VitaminDWiki

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
2039 Shadow.jpg admin 30 Jan, 2013 37.44 Kb 4450
1920 table3.png admin 07 Jan, 2013 187.85 Kb 3600
1919 Contributions of Sunlight and Diet to Vitamin D Status.pdf admin 07 Jan, 2013 544.16 Kb 1922