Update April 2014 Does Less Sun mean More Disease is complete
VitaminDWiki is creating a 5 minute Vitamin D video
Will have video: shared via email, Facebook,Twitter, YouTube, Press Releases, etc. Early 2014
Vitamin D details after viewing the video still in draft mode as of Oct 24, 2013
It will fairly generic, and we anticipate links to the video from > 100 websites
The $20,000 to produce and market the animation/video was provided by Bio-Tech Pharmacal
The voice-over is British - with non-voice version posted on YouTube so that others can download and add voice-over in other languages
Video captions will be available in 16+ languages
Vitamin D video progress" Dec 4, 2013
CLICK HERE to see and hear the first 16 seconds of the 5 minute video
Credits Data by Henry Lahore, Script by Judy Lahore, Production by Harry McAlister at www.AmpleEarth.com, Animation by Kipp Jarden,
$20,000 funding by Bio-Tech Pharmacal
- - - - Latest version of the script (by Judy Lahore) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You can download Vitamin D 1st cut of audio Oct 23.mp3 which reads from a slightly different/earlier script
Script with links, charts
Script text
- ANNOUNCER: Have you ever wondered why we are seeing dramatic increases in health problems since our great-grandparents' time?
- A hundred years ago, people mainly lived and worked outdoors.
- Many were farmers.
- Clothes were hung outside to dry.
- Children played outdoors.
- Almost everyone spent most of their day outdoors.
- They rode horses.
- But now things have changed.
- Most of us work and play indoors, where we have air conditioning.
- We work more on computers than on farms.
- We wash and dry our clothes indoors.
- We watch TV and surf the Internet and play video games.
- We ride in air-conditioned autos and airplanes and trucks.
- We even swim indoors.
- So, what does all this indoor activity mean?
- Less sun!
- Could less sun be associated with more disease?
- Let's find out.
- From sunlight, our skin makes a vital substance, Vitamin D.
- Vitamin D, which is actually a hormone rather than a vitamin, has a major impact on our bodies.
- It increases activation in more than 2000 genes.
- This increased gene activation allows the body to combat disease.
- In fact, over 5000 scientific studies have shown the clear association of Vitamin D deficiency
with more than 100 diseases and health problems, most of which have seen dramatic increases over the past 50 years. - These include some of the big ones: cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, obesity, and heart disease.
- Even rickets, which supposedly had gone away 80 years ago, has reappeared.
- Are YOU at risk for these diseases?
- Do YOU get enough Vitamin D?
- Probably not.
- More than 9 out of 10 people worldwide don't get enough Vitamin D.
- Ask yourself: Do you spend a lot of time indoors?
- Do you wear sunscreen or protective clothing when you do go outdoors?
- Many people think that 10 minutes outdoors is enough to get all the Vitamin D they need from the sun.
- But the fact is, for most people, that unless you spend a fair amount of time outdoors every day in full sun with minimal clothing
and no sunscreen, you aren't getting enough Vitamin D to protect against disease. - You need to stay in the sun for 3 hours if you are standing up in a short sleeve shirt, 20 minutes if lying down in a bathing suit.
- Even food no longer provides as much Vitamin D as it did 100 years ago.
- For example, in 1900, pie crust was made with lard from pigs raised outdoors.
- Back then, just one piece of a double-crust pie provided 2000 iu of Vitamin D.
- Today, pie crust is made from vegetable oil or shortening.
- How much Vitamin D?
- Zero.
- The good news is, you don't need sunlight or lard from pigs raised outdoors in order to get your Vitamin D.
- A simple supplement can provide all you need to prevent or even treat serious disease.
- But how do you find out if you have enough Vitamin D?
- You can, of course, have a blood test.
- A reading of at least 40 nanograms per milliliter, or 100 nanomoles per liter, is optimal.
- Or, you can do a quick, easy test on yourself.
- You can stop this video and do it right now.
- Just press hard on each of your shin bones and then on your sternum - the bone in your chest between your lowest ribs.
- Did at least two of them hurt?
- Sore bones are an indication that you are probably very deficient.
- So, let's say you are deficient - this is very likely if you have a major disease, or are elderly, have had recent surgery or illness,
or you are pregnant; a breastfed infant would also be at risk. - How much Vitamin D should you take?
- This, of course, would depend on your individual situation, but many studies indicate that 4000 iu daily is necessary to bring the average adult up to
40 nanograms and maintain this healthy level. - If you know you are at risk for being deficient, you might want to start with a larger dose.
- You may also want to take more than 4000 iu of Vitamin D daily if you are elderly, obese, or plan soon to get pregnant or have surgery.
- You should start feeling noticeably healthier and more energetic within a few days to weeks.
- Are people starting to notice the benefits of Vitamin D?
- You bet!
- When one doctor raised all of his patients’ levels to 80 nanograms, or 200 nanomoles,
he noticed that no matter their age or health condition, their average of 4 office visits per year dropped down to one visit. - More and more people are getting Vitamin D tests, a 10 times increase in just 3 years.
- And research on Vitamin D has accelerated - more research has now been done on Vitamin D than on Vitamins A, C, E, and K combined.
- So, if you want to feel better and get or stay healthy, taking a Vitamin D supplement is probably the single best thing you can do for your body.
- And it won't cost you a trip to Hawaii.
- Do yourself a favor.
- Read the studies if you need more proof.
- Then try it.
(This video was produced by AmpleEarth.com and VitaminDWiki.com)
Funded by Bio-Tech Pharmacal
Script with supporting information
See also VitaminDWiki
- Overview Vitamin D books and videos
- Proof that Vitamin D Works Vitamin D deals with 38 health problems as of Dec 2013
- Many reasons why vitamin D deficiency has become epidemic 33 reasons as of Dec 2013
- Overview Deficiency of vitamin D
- Vitamin D - Facts and Myths 65 as of Dec 2013
- Old notes on Vitamin D video
Short url = http://is.gd/Dvideo