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Following breast cancer 100K IU Vitamin D doses twice a month helped a lot – RCT July 2016

Impact of a tailored oral vitamin D supplementation regimen on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in early breast cancer patients: a randomized phase III study.

Ann Oncol. 2016 Jul;27(7):1235-41. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdw145
Jacot W1, Firmin N2, Roca L3, Topart D4, Gallet S2, Durigova A2, Mirr S2, Abach L3, Pouderoux S2, D'Hondt V2, Bleuse JP3, Lamy PJ5, Romieu G2.

  • The RCT found that 100,000 IU every two weeks is good
  • 150,000 IU every two weeks or 100,000 IU weekly would get most Cancer patients >30 ng   and many > 40 ng - which should be the minimum target

Note: 6 month is also far too long be help during surgery or subsequent BC treatment

Note: Vitamin D becomes even lower after surgery and subsequent treatment of Breast Cancer

See also VitaminDWiki

Breast Cancer Prevention

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

100,000 IU = doubleheaded arrow


400 IU daily ==> 16% above 30ng

   27% were still <20 ng


100,000 IU every two weeks (avg 7,000 IU daily) ==> 38% above 30 ng

   only 4% were still <20 ng


A minority of early breast cancer (EBC) patients treated with adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy have sufficient baseline vitamin D (vitD) level. This randomized phase III study assessed the safety and efficacy of a tailored, high-dose, oral vitD supplementation in restoring a normal 25-hydroxy vitD (25OHD) level in this population.

Participants received a 6-month conventional (C) vitD and calcium supplementation or a 6-month high-dose oral vitD regimen tailored on the deficiency (T) and a conventional calcium supplementation. The primary end point was the 6-month percentage of 25OHD serum level normalization.

A total of 215 patients including 197 patients with vitD deficiency were recruited, and 195 patients were randomized (T, 100; C, 95). Compliance to the daily oral supplementation was 68.4% and 67% in the C and T arms, respectively. Discontinuous high-dose vitD compliance appeared higher in the T arm (77%). At 6 months, more patients presented with a normalized vitD level in the T arm (30% versus 12.6%; P = 0.003). Supplementation was well tolerated, and no significant difference in the treatment-related toxicity between the two arms was reported. Fifty-two patients without vitD normalization from the C arm switched to the T arm after 6 months. At 12 months, 44% of these patients achieved vitD normalization.

A tailored high-dose oral vitD supplementation safely allows a higher percentage of the serum 25OHD level normalization compared with a conventional regimen in chemotherapy-treated EBC patients. As compliance to a daily oral supplementation remains poor in this setting, an adaptation of the treatment schedule is warranted.

CLINICAL TRIAL NUMBER: NCT01480869.   PMID: 27029707 DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdw145

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9085 Tailored 100,000.jpg admin 31 Dec, 2017 45.33 Kb 728
9084 Tailored.jpg admin 31 Dec, 2017 24.36 Kb 863
9083 Conventional.jpg admin 31 Dec, 2017 25.72 Kb 744
9081 Tailored BC.pdf admin 31 Dec, 2017 277.05 Kb 808