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Cochrane Reviews might be influenced by big Pharma – 5 board members leave in 1 day – Sept 2018

The End of Scientific Integrity? Cochrane Collaboration Expels Critic of Big Pharma – 4 Other Board Members Resign Green Med Info

The first board member was forced out. He was the author of the book,
Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How big pharma has corrupted healthcare Amazon 2013
4 board members resigned on the same day that he was forced out (5 of a total of 13)

Clipped from email in the article

  • ” In just 24 hours the Cochrane Governing Board of thirteen members has lost five of its members, four of which are centre directors and key members of the organization in different countries”
  • “There is stronger and stronger resistance to say anything that could bother pharmaceutical industry interests. The excuse of lack of time and staff (around 50) is not credible”
  • “A year ago, I proposed that there should be no authors of Cochrane reviews to have financial conflicts of interests with companies related to the products considered in the reviews.”

A few of the Cochrane problems that VitaminDWiki has noticed

  1. All studies treated equally - Cochrane does not give more weight to the more recent ones which actually use enough vitamin D
    • Essentially it takes decades for the higher-dose studies to influence the Cochrane average
  2. Often ignore the Vitamin D levels achieved - but just consider the doses given
  3. Ignore the studies which were not Vitamin D monotherapy
    • Magnesium and Omega-3, etc, are often vital
  4. Ignore the extremely successful studies which customize the doses and/or cofactors for each person
    • Blood level responses can vary by 4X between individuals

Related Mercola article includes interesting details

Leading Institution for Science-Based Health Advice Implodes After Industry Bias Is Revealed OLct 2018

  • "A May 2018 Cochrane review looked at 26 studies, concluding HPV vaccines protect against cervical precancer in adolescent girls and women and that the risk of side effects is comparable to other control vaccines"
  • "In July 2018, Cochrane researchers Peter Gøtzsche, Lars Jørgensen and Tom Jefferson published a scathing critique of the HPV review, pointing out methodological flaws and conflicts of interest"
  • "According to Gøtzsche and his coauthors, the HPV vaccine review was influenced by reporting bias and biased trial designs, and failed to meet Cochrane standards"
  • "In September, the Cochrane governing board expelled Gøtzsche from the board. Four other board members resigned in protest"
  • "Gøtzsche .... helped found the Cochrane Collaboration in 1993 "
  • "Gøtzsche also notes the HPV vaccine reviewers incorrectly concluded the impact of industry funding on the included studies was insignificant. In reality, all 26 studies were funded by industry...."
  • "The National Institutes of Health (NIH) receives royalties from the sale of this vaccine"

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday October 3, 2018 15:22:38 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 5)

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