
2400 IU of Vitamin D is need to get most above 30 nanograms – Sept 2017

Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, online 29 September 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecl.2017.07.003
Lynette M. Smith, PhD a, , J. Christopher Gallagher, MD: jcg at creighton.edu

No free abstract
VitaminDWiki bought the study
The following is a subset of one of their tables

The table is their analysis of data from 2 randomized controlled trials in a 1,000 different ways

The RDA gets most individuals above a vitamin D level

  • “RDA is the average daily dietary intake level estimated to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all healthy persons in a life stage and gender, that is, it meets the needs of 97.5% of individuals”

See also VitaminDWiki

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8508 RDA 30 ng.jpg admin 04 Oct, 2017 29.23 Kb 1307