- IoM again fails to look at interactions - Nov 2010
First report of math mistake was in the month after report was released
The IoM 2010 report also failed to notice the interactions between Calcium and Vitamin D
And thus recommended far too miuch Calcium - Vitamin D math mistake had been made, adults need at least 8000 IU – July 2017
- Vitamin D math mistakes made by the IoM in 2010 – K Baggerly 2016-2017 with video of his presentation
4 math mistakes
3,000 IU is needed to get 97.5% of the population to 30 ng
See field studies, not computations, in VitaminDWiki
- Need 460 IU of vitamin D to get half of young Japanese women to even 20 ng level – Nov 2017
- 2400 IU of Vitamin D is need to get most above 30 nanograms – Sept 2017
- Vitamin D supplementation guidelines (adults – 50,000 IU per week) – Feb 2017
- Chinese women in tropics needed 50,000 IU of Vitamin D monthly to keep above 30 ng – RCT May 2017
- 50,000 IU of vitamin D every two weeks – Jordan conclusion - RCT July 2017
- Much more than 2,000 IU of vitamin D is needed daily (Middle East studies agree) – meta-analysis Nov 2016
- Children getting 60,000 IU monthly got to vitamin D level of 33 ng – Sept 2015
- 2000 IU vitamin D not enough to get most Chinese to 20 ng level – RCT Feb 2015
- Third study found that Infants needed 1600 IU of vitamin D – JAMA RCT May 2013
Email from Keith Baggerly 11/21/17
Keith Baggerly kabagg at mdanderson.org is the son of Leo and Carol Baggerly of GrassrootsHealth
Just the facts.
About a year ago, concerns were raised about mathematical errors in the
Insitute of Medicine (IOM) report on vitamin D. These errors could have
led to recommended intakes being set too low.
In response, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and
Medicine (NASEM) convened expert panels to review the issue in
two phases. In the first phase, one expert panel was asked to
determine whether or not statistical errors were indeed present.
The second phase would kick in if the first was answered in the
affirmative. In the second phase, another expert panel (with
some overlap with the first panel) would be charged with determining
if and how the IOM report's recommendations should be changed in light
of the errors identified.
The reports from these two phases are now posted on the web page for the original report
The links are near the bottom of the page, in the paragraph
> Note: In response to claims of methodological errors in this report after its release, the National Academies undertook a two-phased review process to identify whether errors had been made and if so what effect those errors had on the findings. Here are the reports of the two review panels: Phase I and Phase II.
The Phase I report is here
The Phase II report is here
The report has been issued. Keith (Baggerly) is looking in depth which you are certainly encouraged to do as well. It's a big question now as to what we should do. Carole (Baggerly)
The bottom lines:
- The first panel agreed there were indeed mathematical errors in the IOM report.
- The second panel, however, found that the errors identified would not have affected the final recommendations made, so these remain unchanged.
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 9:12 AM, Keith Baggerly <kabagg@gmail.com> wrote:
The links are near the bottom of the page, in the paragraph
> Note: In response to claims of methodological errors in this report after its release, the National Academies undertook a two-phased review process to identify whether errors had been made and if so what effect those errors had on the findings. Here are the reports of the two review panels: Phase I and Phase II.
The Phase I report is here
The Phase II report is here
Comment on the above email from Canada
"How was it not viewed a conflict of interest to have a committee member on the second panel, responsible for determining if RDA should be adjusted, who was the Chair of the committee that produced the initial 2010 IOM report under investigation???"
Comments by Founder of VitaminDWiki, Henry Lahore
The Phase 2 report is an excellent example of bafflegab
baf·fle·gab: "incomprehensible or pretentious language, especially bureaucratic jargon"
Some interesting phrasing from the Phase II study
- "This panel accepted as given the choice of bone health as the only health outcome"
- ". . it is impossible to say with complete certainty whether and/or how the committee’s collective judgment might have changed had the errors not been made"
- " . . the panel thinks it unlikely that this result would have changed the determination of the RDA for vitamin D/"
- "The SACN and EFSA reports,. . . used a risk assessment framework and both used the literature review and conclusions of the IOM report as a starting point"
- "In addition, the extent to which the conclusions of the IOM report influenced the recommendations of the SACN and EFSA reports is unknown."
Very circular reasoning:
1) US decided how much was needed in 2010
2) Europeans made decisions how much to recommend, starting from the US recommendations
3) US in 2017 says US must be right, even if the math was wrong, the Europeans agree with our recommendations
Many problems with SACN and EFSA
- UK (SACN) is ignoring scores of Vitamin D studies has the following
- The SACN has cherry-picked data;
- The SACN has not taken into account the problems with vitamin D intake studies;
- The SACN has misinterpreted available data on the effects of genetic polymorphisms on vitamin D requirement;
- The SACN has not sufficiently accounted for the effects of increased body weight and use of sunscreens;
- The SACN has ignored expert evidence;
- The SACN has ignored differences between vitamin D2 and D3;
- The SACN has ignore emerging evidence for the role of elevated vitamin D status on reducing the risk of certain cancers;
- The SACN has not proposed different recommendations for different racial groups/skin colours,
- The SACN has not considered that there are likely to be overlapping risks and benefits;
Reminder: Doctors have at least 10 reasons to be reluctant to increase vitamin D: which has the following quote
- It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary is dependent upon his not understanding it Upton Sinclair
Many studies have found that even bones need more than 600 IU
- Less bone loss if take 100,000 IU vitamin D monthly – RCT Nov 2017
- More calcium in bones in those teenage girls getting 2,000 IUs daily – RCT Jan 2016
- Hip bone loss stopped with 1000 IU of vitamin D, while 400 IU similar to placebo – RCT April 2013
They continue to ignore the non-bone benefits of vitamin D
- Chronic Hives treated by Vitamin D - many studies
- Gestational Diabetes reduced with 50,000 IU of vitamin D every 3 weeks and daily Calcium – RCT June 2014
- Respiratory infections reduced by 63 percent with 4000 IU vitamin D daily - RCT Dec 2012
- 500,000 IU of vitamin D cut in half the hospital days following a lung failure – RCT 2015
- Chronic Heart Failure reduced by 4,000 IU daily for a year – RCT April 2016
- Musculoskeletal pain reduced with 4,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT April 2015
- 1000 IU should be the new vitamin D RDA (if you think 20 ng is enough) - May 2017
- 1,100 IU Vitamin D needed to get most to 20 ng (look at individual not summary data) – April 2018
- Vitamin D supplementation guidelines (adults – 50,000 IU per week) – Feb 2017 Poland
- Vitamin D: not just bone, but also immunity – July 2016
- Intervention - Vitamin D
819 Interventions - Vitamin D consensus: 400 IU for infants, less than 10 ng is too low, if low sun need to supplement – April 2017 has nice summary chart
- Consensus Vitamin D category listing has
69 items along with related searches - Proof that Vitamin D Works has the following - only 2 of these were known in 2009 when IoM data was assembled
ADHD, Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis, ALS, Alzheimer's, Antibiotic Use in Seniors, Asthma, Autism, Autoimmune Diseases, Back pain, Blood Cell Cancer, Breast Cancer, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Chronic Hives, Chronic Kidney Disease, Cluster Headaches, Congestive Heart Failure (Infants), COPD, Crohn's Disease, C-Section and Pregnancy Risks, Cystic Fibrosis, Depression, Diabetes, Diabetic Neuropathy, Eczema, Falls, Fatigue, Fatty Liver (Child), Fibromyalgia, Gestational Diabetes, Gingivitis, Growing Pains, Hay Fever, Heart Attack, Hemodialysis, Hepatitis-C, Hip Fractures, Hypertension, Influenza, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ischemic Stroke, Knee Osteoarthritis, Leg Ulcers, Low Birth Weight, Lupus, Male Infertility, Menstrual Pain, Metabolic Syndrome, Middle Ear Infection (Infants), Mite Allergy, Multiple Sclerosis, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Osteoarthritis, Parkinson's Disease, Perinatal Depression, Pneumonia (Ventilator-associated), Poor Sleep, PreDiabetes, Preeclampsia, Pre-term Birth, Prostate Cancer, Quality of Life, Raynaud's Pain, Respiratory Tract Infection, Restless Leg Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rickets, Sarcopenia, Sepsis, Short Neonates, Sickle Cell, Stronger Senior Muscles, Survive ICU, TB, Tonsillitis, Trauma Death, Traumatic Brain Injury, Tuberculosis, Ulcerative Colitis, Urinary Tract Infection, Vaginosis, Vertigo, Warts, Weight Loss
Reminder: Translate icon in the upper right selects a different language
Click on underlined items for detailsHealth Problem Treat
PreventReduction by Vit D RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial
* = link to additional RCT
CT = Clinical TrialHypertension T
P149 to 142 mm Hg
HT risk reduced 10XRCT* *, 2400 IU. 100,000 IU*
When Vitamin D > 40 ngCardiovascular after attack T 32 % fewer deaths CT 1000 IU Diabetes Type 1 P 85 % 12,000 kids, 2000 IU Diabetes Type 2 T 62 % RCT* CRP reduction, 4000 IU
Injection is far better - RCT *
RCT 50,000 IU/2weeks + probiotics
RCT 5,000 IU daily 6 monthsBack Pain T 95 %
reduced 50%5000/10000 IU
60,000 IU weeklyInfluenza P 90 % RCT *, 2000 IU Falls P 50% RCT, 100,000 IU monthly
RCT with Meals on Wheels 2016Hip Fractures P 30 % RCT * 800 IU Rickets P 98 % Turkey, 400 IU
NOT RCT, given to all childrenRaynaud's Syndrome T 40 % RCT, visual scale, 20000 IU Avg Menstrual pain P 76 % RCT, 7000 IU Avg,
70% reduction 2018
PMS reduced by halfPregnancy risks P 50 % RCT, 4000 IU C-section, unplanned P 50 % RCT, 4000 IU, small study Low birth weight P 60 % RCT * 1000 IU of D2 TB P 60 % RCT, 800 IU Breast Cancer P 60 % RCT, 1100 IU (2007) Rheumatoid Arthritis pain T 40 % RCT, 500 IU, added to prescription Cystic Fibrosis T 75 %
2nd study improvedRCT, pilot 4X fewer deaths 250,000 IU
RCT, pilot 8,200 IUChronic Kidney T 90 to 70 PTH RCT, 3500 IU, Respiratory Tract Infection P 63 % 3 RCT, 4000 IU 1 year 2nd 2000/800 IU
20,000 IU weeklyLupus T
Tzero flares
Pain reducedLoading then 100,000 IU monthly,
RCT too
RCT 4,000 IUSickle Cell T Less pain RCT, up to 100,000 IU/week Leg ulcer healing T 4X faster RCT, 50,0000 IU/week, small study Traumatic Brain Injury T 2X RCT, 20,0000 IU/day with progesterone Parkinson's Disease T Stabilized RCT, 1200 IU/day Multiple Sclerosis P
95% were CUREDRCT, 7100 IU prevent pre-MS ==> MS
20,000 to 140,000 IU/dayCongestive Heart Failure T 90 % RCT, 1000 IU infants (also: Adults, not RCT) Middle Ear Infection P 30 % RCT, 1000 IU infants Gingivitis T 88 % RCT, 2000 IU Muscle in seniors T 17 % more muscle RCT, 4000 IU Antibiotic use when >70y T 47 % RCT, 60,000 IU monthly Infants taller Benefit 1 cm tall RCT, 50,000 IU weekly,
for 8 weeks while pregnantGestational Diabetes T Reduced 3X RCT, 2 doses of 50,000 IU After Heart Attack T +6% ejection fraction RCT, 800,000 IU one time Prostate Cancer T Fewer +cores RCT, 4000 IU (2012) Asthma P T Reduced symptoms RCT, 60K IU/month;
RCT 50K IU/week
Need good D at 4 weeks into preg.Depression T Reduced RCT 300,000 IU injection
RCT 1500 IU helped Prozac
RCT 50,000 IU weekly, elderlyLow vitamin D
while breastfedP All infants > 20 mg RCT, 5,000 IU Fibromyalgia T Half of many still has Fibro RCT, 30-48 ng
RCT 50K IU/weekHives, Chronic T Reduced 40% RCT, 4000 IU added Cholesterol T Reduced 4 mg RCT, 400 IU + Ca Weight Loss T lost 5 more lbs RCT, 2000 IU +diet +exercise Gestational Diabetes P 40% RCT * , 5,000 IU Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary DiseaseT 17X improvement CT, 50,000 IU weekly
RCT 100,000 IU monthlyAsthma T 1/2 Asthma attacks RCT >42 mg of vitamin D Quality of Life (QoL) T Nursing Home QoL CT, 4,000 IU in daily bread Death of Critically Ill
PatientsT 20% increase in survivability RCT 540 K IU loading than 90K monthly Restless Leg Syndrome T Score 26 ==> 10 CT, Vitamin D dose size
not stated in abstractHepatitis-C T Aided normal drugs RCT 2.000 IU Crohn's disease T improved when > 30 ng
2nd study fewer relapsesRCT 2,000 IU
10,000 IU RCTPre-term birth P 2.5X decrease, also: fewer
c-section & better ApgarRCT 2,000 IU India Cluster headaches T CH eliminated in 60% 10,000 IU, Mg, Omega-3, etc Autism T 80% improved CT 300 IU/kg/day for 3 months PreDiabetes T ~20% reduced RCT 60,000 IU/month Weight loss:
Overweight and ObeseT 12 lbs in 6 months RCT 100,000 IU/month Sarcopenia = muscle loss T 27% increase RCT 1,000 IU Growing Pains T 60% decrease ~100,000 IU/month -NOT RCT
2nd study, similar resultsOsteoarthritis pain T 60% decrease 50,000 IU/weekly - NOT RCT ALS T helped 2,000 IU - NOT RCT, given to all Vertigo T 3X reduction if raised > 10ng 600,000 IU load, then maint.
NOT RCT, given to allWarts T 80% eliminated injection NOT RCT
60,000 IU/injectionMetabolic Syndrome P reduced 44% when VitD
increased by 30 ngNOT RCT, given to all Hay fever P reduced 48% RCT 1,000 IU for 30 days Preeclampsia P Recurrance cut in half
3 RCT 3.6 X less likely if > 30 ng50,000 IU every 2 weeks
4,000 IU dailyBlood cell cancer
Multiple MyelomaT Survival 90% vs 50% 10,000 IU/week
NOT RCT, given to allIrritable Bowel Syndrome T Reduced 3,000 IU spray RCT Urinary Tract Infection P 50% reduction RCT 20,000 IU weekly Mite Allergy P 5X reduction RCT 2,000 IU preg, 800 IU child Perinatal depression
(depression near birth)T 50% reduction RCT 2,000 IU for just a few weeks Vaginosis T 10X reduction RCT 2,000 IU Eczema T Reduced 2 RCT 1,600 IU Non-Alcoholic
Fatty Liver DiseaseT Reduced RCT 20,000 IU weekly Knee Osteoartiritis T Pain Reduced RCT 60,000 IU monthly after loading dose Tuberculosis T Faster Recovery RCT single 450,000 IU dose Stroke - Ischemic T Faster Recovery RCT single 600,000 IU injection
RCT single 300,000 IU injectionSepsis T Reduce ICU and Hospital
length of stay by 7 days eachRCT 400,000 IU Trauma deaths T 50% fewer deaths Vitamin D & Glutamine
NOT RCT, given to allHemodialysis patients T helped 50,000 IU weekly NOT RCT, given to all Fatty liver - child T 2 X reduction RCT Vitamin D & DHA Fatigue T Reduced 100,000 IU single dose
NOT RCT, given to allSleep Disorders T Nicely treated RCT 50.000 IU bi-weekly Pneumonia
(Ventilator-associated)T RCT Death rate cut in half 300,000 IU injection Infertile males T birth rate doubled RCT 300,000 IU + maint Waist size T Waist size reduced 3 cm 100,000 IU loading + maint for 6 months
for those with Metabolic Syndrome
NOT RCT, given to allAttention Deficient
Hyperactivity DisorderT Reduced
ReducedRCT 3,000 IU for 12 weeks
RCT 50,000 IU weeklyAlcoholic liver cirrhosis T improved survival 1,000 IU of vitamin D NOT RCT Diabetic nephropathy T Reduced HOMA-IR, FRS RCT 50,000 IU weekly Ulcerative Colitis T Reduced 60% RCT 50,000 IU nano daily for a week Obese weight loss T Lost 3X more pounds $10 of Vitamin D added to
calorie restriction & walkingEndometriosis T Nicely treated RCT 50.000 IU bi-weekly Diabetic Wounds T 4X more likely to heal RCT 6,400 daily Alzheimer's T Often reverse Each person gets a different amount of
Vit D, Omega-3, B12, Iron, etcAutoimmune P Decrease 30% RCT Vit D + Omega-3 Smoking T reduce problems RCT 50,000 bi-weekly Tonsillitis T Virtually eliminated RCT 50,000 weekly
Most proofs are RCT (Randomized Controlled Trials), where not even the doctor knows who gets it vitamin D- 2 are meta-analyses of multiple RCTs
- Vitamin D was given to ALL infants in the entire country (Rickets) - not an RCT
- In several studies, researchers felt that it was unethical not to give vitamin D to everyone
- In some studies, the dose size varied with the needs of the person (overweight, etc)
- In some studies, the COFACTORS were adjusted to the needs of the patients
- Curing requires the dose size and cofactors to be adjusted to the needs of each patient.
Many Clinical Trials have not found a benefit because of one or more of the following failures:- Fails to use a large enough dose of vitamin D (often < 1,100 IU)
The Even larger dose needed if: 1) obese, 2) poor gut, 3) sick (many diseases consume lots of vitamin D) - Fails to have given vitamin D for a long enough time (a few RCT lasted less than 5 weeks)
- Fails to have given Vitamin D frequently enough. At least every 2 months for D3) - and at least weekly for D2
Note: Infrequent dosing also causes unbalancing of the body's chemistry - Fails to provide a loading dose, or had too short a duration to restore the vitamin D levels
- Fails to use D3 form, instead uses the less effective D2 form
- Fails to have a healthy range of Calcium or other important cofactors (especially for bone-related trials
Also, differences in Magnesium can result in 30% change in response to vitamin D
Magnesium is dependent on water, food, supplements - Fails to notice the pre-existing vitamin D levels - only those who are low will likely show a benefit
- Fails to notice how/when the vitamin D was taken (which can change the response by as much as 2X)
- Fails to report on compliance (in one case 40% of the participants did not take the supplements consistently)
Many Meta-Analyses also do not find a benefit because one or more of the above failures
In addition, many meta-analysis average together ALL of the trials
Imagine a story about a meta-analysis of aspirin (which has never been done)
There would be scores of RCT for aspirin not working with 3 mg doses
There would be a many RCT of aspirin not working with 30 mg doses
There would be a few studies of aspirin WORKING with 300+ mg doses
There would be many studies of small amounts of Willow bark (Vitamin D2 instead of Vitamin D3)
Then there would be a meta-analysis of aspirin and Willow Bark
- That meta-analysis would conclude that aspirin and Willow bark do not work.While about 200 RCTs will be published during 2014, I anticipate only adding 50 to the proofs table due to the reasons listed above
Also, some trials will not get started due to lack of people willing to go for years with < 500 IU of vitamin D
See also VitaminDWiki: Random Controlled Trials with vitamin D intervention
- Intervention - Vitamin D
819 Interventions - Note: It sorts the interventions by health problem as well as by date
- Vitamin D intervention trials - a long list - May 2014 1204 trials
2176 Vitamin D clinical trials as of June 2020: Nutrition Disorders 621, Vitamin D Deficiency 619, Malnutrition 601, Avitaminosis 586, Deficiency Diseases 583, **Metabolic Diseases 489. Musculoskeletal Diseases 362, Bone Diseases 317. Bone Diseases, Metabolic 282, Endocrine System Diseases 241. Osteoporosis 209, Immune System Diseases 190, Kidney Diseases 168, Communicable Diseases 164. Infection 164- Update Jan 2024 2835 Clinical Trials with Vitamin D
- Systematic Reviews or Meta-Analysis of Vitamin D
659 items - 137 health problems associated with low vitamin D – meta-meta-analysis April 2014
- Intervention - 2-30 days
269 items More intervention trials for Vitamin D than for the TOTAL of Vitamins A + C + K combined
Vitamin D = 2199, Others = 1803 Vitamin A 702 + Vitamin C 768 + Vitamin K 333 as of Aug 2020
See also VitaminDWiki
- Overview: Vitamin D also TREATS
- Is it ethical to not give vitamin D in osteoporosis trials– NEJM Sept 2010
- Some Vitamin D RCT are not being created because the researchers do not want to deprive the benefits to half of the patients
- Some Vitamin D RCT cannot be started because too many candidates are already taking vitamin D
- Reasons for Vitamin D deficiency
- List of all categories of Vitamin D Information and number of items in each
- List of all Overviews of Vitamin D
74 items along with related searches
CLICK ON chart for more information and translationVitamin D is especially needed during pregnancy
ProblemVit. D
ReducesEvidence 0. Chance of not conceiving 3.4 times Observe 1. Miscarriage 2.5 times Observe 2. Pre-eclampsia 3.6 times RCT 3. Gestational Diabetes 3 times RCT 4. Good 2nd trimester sleep quality 3.5 times Observe 5. Premature birth 2 times RCT 6. C-section - unplanned 1.6 times Observe Stillbirth - OMEGA-3 4 times RCT - Omega-3 7. Depression AFTER pregnancy 1.4 times RCT 8. Small for Gestational Age 1.6 times meta-analysis 9. Infant height, weight, head size
within normal limitsRCT 10. Childhood Wheezing 1.3 times RCT 11. Additional child is Autistic 4 times Intervention 12.Young adult Multiple Sclerosis 1.9 times Observe 13. Preeclampsia in young adult 3.5 times RCT 14. Good motor skills @ age 3 1.4 times Observe 15. Childhood Mite allergy 5 times RCT 16. Childhood Respiratory Tract visits 2.5 times RCT RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial
Also, The Vitamin D Receptor limits the amount of Vitamin D in the blood actually gets to the tissue
The risk of 48+ diseases at least double with poor Vitamin D Receptor
Short URL = is.gd/dproof
Short URL = is.gd/VitDMM
US admits math mistake was made in 2010 in estimating Vitamin D, but will not change recommendations – Nov 201714423 visitors, last modified 22 May, 2019, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)
- Vitamin D consensus: 400 IU for infants, less than 10 ng is too low, if low sun need to supplement – April 2017 has nice summary chart