
Vitamin D metabolism and genes as of Nov 2019

Vitamin D Metabolism Revised: Fall of Dogmas

JBMR https://doi.org/10.1002/jbmr.3884
Roger Bouillon,Dan Bikle

PDF table on Contents



Summary and Perspective
The dual origin of vitamin D, discovered about a century ago, first evolved into a rather simple metabolic schema of constitutive 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D in the liver to produce 25OHD, followed by a tightly regulated 1α-hydroxylation by a unique CYP27B1 in a unique organ (kidney) to generate 1,25(OH)2D as ligand of a nuclear receptor, VDR. All these metabolites are transported by a single serum binding protein and are finally catabolized by a unique nearly ubiquitous CYP24A1. The present picture is much more complex with a large number of enzymes expressed in a variety of cells. Most of these genes contain genetic polymorphisms that may alter their function and are regulated by hormones and/or metabolic signaling that can vary in different tissues of the body. Finally, the vitamin D endocrine system regulates a large number of vertebrate genes. These recent findings reveal that the vitamin D endocrine system is much more complex than initially thought and remains still incompletely understood.
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Vitamin D metabolism and genes as of Nov 2019        
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17868 Genes Bouillon.jpg admin 13 Jun, 2022 97.97 Kb 416
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17866 J of Bone Mineral Res - 2019 - Bouillon - Vitamin D Metabolism Revised Fall of Dogmas.pdf admin 13 Jun, 2022 476.64 Kb 518