Vitamin D may both prevent and treat shin splints.
Vitamin D has been proven to prevent bone stress fractures and micro cracks.
Vitamin D appears to substantially prevent and treat shin splints, which is a closely related bone problem.
- Google Search below
- Papers attached to the bottom of this page
Wikipedia provided alternate terms to search for
"The most common sources of shin splints are tendinitis, periostitis, stress fractures, and compartment syndrome."
Medical term = Medial tibial stress syndrome = MTSS
Search results for the above terms and "Vitamin D" on Feb 2011 shows use for both prevention and treatment
- "Shin Splints" 119,000 hits
- tendinitis 666,000 hits
- periostitis 54,000 hits
- Stress fractures 128,000 hits
- "Compartment Syndrome" 93,000 hits
- +MTSS 6,000 hits
- "Stress Fracture" 134,000 hits
Note: Do not take more than 750 mg of Calcium daily when taking > 2,000 IU of vitamin D CLICK HERE for graph and description
See also VitaminDWiki
- Fewer bone and stress fractures with vitamin D - many studies
- Leg bone (tibia) grew thicker with 4,000 IU of vitamin D and Calcium – RCT Aug 2016
- Catgory Bone Health and vitamin D
315 items - Leg pain 7X more prevalent when vitamin D lower than 20 ng – Oct 2010
- Co-factors just 10 cents/day for sold or liquid co-factors
- Category: Calcium
230 items - Category Magnesium
375 items - Could growing pains in a child be a vitamin D deficiency – Sept 2010
- Ballet dancers in the winter had more injuries and only 15 ng of vitamin D – Feb 2013
See also: recent treatment and prevention reviews attached to this page
- shin splint treatment
- shin splint prevention
- stress fracture prevention
- exertional leg pain
See also web
- 21 Things to do if you get Shin Splints Huffingpost Sept 2016
Vitamin D is 1 of the 21 things
Shin splints decrease with vitamin D169675 visitors, last modified 17 Jul, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 445 Exertional Leg Pain.pdf Editor 09 Feb, 2011 1.94 Mb 3678 444 Shin splint prevention - 2008.pdf Editor 09 Feb, 2011 132.96 Kb 2646 443 Shin splint treatment options - 2009.pdf Editor 09 Feb, 2011 304.81 Kb 3704 442 Stress fracture prevention - Jan 2011.pdf Editor 09 Feb, 2011 783.87 Kb 2240