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Romania joins Turkey in giving free Vitamin D to all infants – 2018

Representation of the European Commission reacts on vitamin D after Dragnea’s statement

  • “…the chairman of the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) has announced a programme through which vitamin D is granted to all children free of any charge. Yet, vitamin D is already free of any charge for the children in Romania.”

No clue as to

  • What size dose
  • How long Vitamin D has been vailable free to Romanian children
  • What effort the parents have to make to get the free vitamin D
  • What age (suspect age 0-1 from the following PDF)

Vitamin D Status: A Different Story in the Very Young versus the Very Old Romanian Patients – 2015

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Both Romania and Turkey give free vitamin D to their children

Turkey gave 400 IU vitamin D to all infants and reduced Rickets by 60X - 2011
program initiated in 2004

US 45 latitude is similar to Romania


Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
11347 US 45.jpg admin 07 Feb, 2019 29.23 Kb 522
11346 Romania Turkey Map.jpg admin 07 Feb, 2019 85.35 Kb 1747
11345 Romanis 2015.pdf admin 07 Feb, 2019 1.66 Mb 544