
Fear that Zika is Millennials’ Sexually Transmitted Disease – Aug 2016

Zika: The Millennials’ S.T.D.? New York Times Aug 20

By KELLY MCBRIDE FOLKERS – working toward a master’s degree in bioethics.
 Download the NYT PDF from VitaminDWiki

  • “We need to think about this in terms of a new sexually transmitted disease, one that is especially hard to combat because 80 percent of infections don’t cause symptoms, and both men and women can carry the virus for months.”
  • “One mathematical model has estimated that around 3 percent of Zika infections are from sex.”

Estimates of Basic reproduction number (R0) (how likely to infect another person)

1.3 Seasonal influenza
2 - 5 H.I.V.
3 – 6.6 Zika in Columbia
3Dengue (no sexual transmission)
4 SARS (not in NYT)
1.5 - 2Ebola (not in NYT)

VitaminDWiki has additional reasons to be concerned about ZIKA

See also web

2015 Total virus reporting in Rio

Zika 20,3158,9861.88
Dengue56, 44946,3051.19
  • Conclusion: increased female Zika infection was due to sexual transmission

CDC: About 1% of the US Zika cases are due to sexual transmission - Aug 2016

Zika Virus Is Sexually Transmitted, CDC Says
CDC also states that the male can be infectious

  1. Before having symptoms
  2. For 6+ months after having symptoms

Would have been nice if Congress had given money to CDC to deal with Zika
They could have, for example, provided free

  1. Condoms for the males
  2. Chemicals to keep mosquitoes away from mane and women who are infectous
    Permethrin-dipped clothing kills Zika mosquitoes even after 10 washings – Oct 2016
    Mosquito repellent Picaridin is often better than DEET – Aug 2016

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
7001 Dengue age-adjusted.jpg admin 22 Aug, 2016 35.30 Kb 618
7000 Sexual transmission causes a marked increase in the incidence of Zika in women in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil..pdf admin 21 Aug, 2016 1.09 Mb 640
6999 Zika and Sex.jpg admin 21 Aug, 2016 40.94 Kb 718
6998 R0 Columbia.pdf admin 21 Aug, 2016 277.67 Kb 671
6997 Zika_ The Millennials’ S.T.D.pdf admin 21 Aug, 2016 145.89 Kb 703