
Early Breast Cancer associated with low vitamin D – June 2017

Long-term Follow-up of Patients with Early Breast Cancer (EBC) and High Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency (VDD)

Clinical Oncology, Volume 29, Issue 6, June 2017, pg e102, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clon.2017.01.030
K. Owczarczyk∗, J. Morden†, S. Li‡, K. Steer§, S. Rainbow§, A. Makris‡
∗ St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK
† ICR-CTSU, Institute of Cancer Research, UK
‡ Mount Vernon Cancer Center, Middlesex, UK
§ North West London Hospitals, UK

 PDF from Sci-hub via VitaminDWiki added Oct 2020

Definition from the web
Early breast cancer (stage I or II) is the most common invasive breast cancer in the U.S. Stage I breast cancers are smaller than 2 centimeters and have not spread to the lymph nodes in the armpit (axillary nodes). Stage II breast cancers are either larger than 2 centimeters or have spread to the axillary nodes.

Early appears to relate to Early detection, NOT Early-Onset

Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D contains:

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