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Calcitonin hormone works in opposition to Calcitriol – Dec 2017

5 Proven Uses of Calcitonin (Miacalcin) with Side Effects Dec 2017 SelfHacked

Table of contents of long article

What Is Calcitonin?

  • Calcitonin Function
  • Calcitonin Levels

High Calcitonin May Indicate Thyroid Cancer
Calcitonin Uses

  • 1) Calcitonin Helps Osteoporosis
  • 2) Calcitonin Relieves Pain
    • Calcitonin Treats Acute but Not Chronic Pain in Osteoporosis
    • Calcitonin May Relieve Acute Phantom Limb Pain
    • Calcitonin Helps Relieve Total Hip Replacement Pain
    • Calcitonin Reduces Bone Pain in Bone Metastasis
  • 3) Calcitonin Helps with Jaw Tumor
  • 4) Calcitonin Helps with Paget’s Disease
  • 5) Calcitonin Can Treat Severe Hypercalcemia

Calcitonin May Not Work For

  • Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bipolar Disorder

Side Effects of Calcitonin

  • 1) Calcitonin May Cause Adverse Stomach and Skin Effects
  • 2) Calcitonin May Increase Cancer Risk

Drug Interactions
Calcitonin-Related Genes

  • Calcitonin gene (CALCA)
  • Calcitonin receptor (CALCR)
    • rs1801197
    • rs1042138

Calcitonin vs. Parathyroid Hormone and Calcitriol
Parathyroid Hormone and Calcitonin
Calcitonin and Calcitriol

  • This is another molecule that acts in opposition to calcitonin.
  • Calcitriol (1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) is a by-product of vitamin D and is produced in the kidneys. Parathyroid hormone, low calcium, and low phosphate levels trigger its production [R].
  • Calcitriol increases calcium levels in the blood and can slow the progression of chronic kidney disease and decrease protein levels in the urine [R].
  • However, high levels of calcitriol can cause hypercalcemia (elevated calcium levels) [R].
  • The main function of calcitriol is to increase the uptake absorption of calcium from the gut. It also works together with parathyroid hormone [R].
  • In patients with medullary thyroid cancer, calcitriol reduces the production of calcitonin [R].

Wonder if Calcitonin might be used to reduce excess Calcium or increase bone healing




Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday December 10, 2017 23:20:59 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 5)

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