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Review of The Vitamin D Cure – revised edition

Dr. James Dowd May 2012
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Initial notes on the revised book by Henry Lahore May 2012

  • Vitamin D Truth – You should supplement your vitamin D in a weight-bases dose . . Pg 14
    Fails to mention the 10+ other reasons that more vitamin D would be needed
  • Pre-vitamin D is made in the liver and the ultraviolet B sunlight plus heat twist the pre-vitamin D in a reaction which forms vitamin D3 in the skin pg 18
    Wrong – see Wikipedia and many others
  • Mentions that vitamin A is needed with vitamin D pg 19
    Does not mention how much vitamin A
  • ‘’The more melanin you have in your skin the faster you tan’’ pg 20
    Mistake – more melanin will result in slower tanning
  • Some foods (such as cheese) increase acid in the body. Pg 23 The kidney flushes acid out of the body by buffering the acid with Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium.
    The loss of these minerals makes vitamin D less effective. Also, the kidney does not do this function as well as you age.
  • Netherlands public policy 30 years ago that all newborns receive 2,000 IU of vitamin D (in cod-liver oil) to prevent rickets pg 53
    unable to find a reference for that. CLICK HERE for Finnish, 2,000 IU
  • Dr. Hollis found that moms needed 4,000 IU or more to optimize vitamin D in breast milk pg 54
    Mistake – moms needed 6400 IU for breastfeeding. 4,000 IU was enough only during pregnancy
  • Recent research shows that high salt (sodium chloride) intakes causes your kidneys to break down and discard vitamin D pg 71
    unable to find reference which supports this
    did find indication that salt reduces the cofactors (Magnesium and Calcium) needed to utilize vitamin D
  • Vitamin K briefly mentioned pg 99
    Fails to differentiate between K2 and K1,
    Fails to mention K2 importance as of cofactor of Vitamin D
  • Suggests taking almost as much Magnesium as causes loose stools pg 100
    Magnesium is good, but there are many alternate forms of Magnesum which the body can tolerate – such as Malate and liquid
  • Calcium is 2X more bio-available at 35 ng vs 20 ng level of vitamin D pg 103
    Agreed – many people will not need Calcium supplements once they get enough vitamin D
  • Excess salt can cause the loss of 100 milligrams of Calcium per day pg 103
    Even if have high level of vitamin D a person will need 200 mg as much Calcium to replace that lost by high amount of salt in diet.
  • Recommends 20-25 IU of vitamin D per lb of body weight pg 105
    Example: 4,000 to 5,000 IU for a 200 lb person
  • Half-life of vitamin D is 10 weeks pg 206
    Fails to mention that half life depends on the vitamin D level. Perhaps dropping to 4 weeks for vitamin D levels > 60 nanograms
  • Vitamin D2 is not as effective and does not persist as much as Vitami D3
    Fails to mention that vets no longer use D2 for mammals due to adverse affects
    Also: D3 is 30X to 40X more effective than D2 in poultry
  • Book recommends screening everyone for vitamin D deficiency pg 208
    Unlikely that any govt will pay for vitamin D testing of the entire population
  • Suggests the use on polyunsaturated fats pg 212
    Monounsaturated fats (such as almonds) provides better vitamin D bioavailability than polyunsaturated fats

He uses the CLINHAQII test for rating pain of arthritis in his Arthritis clinic - page 40

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Review of The Vitamin D Cure – revised edition        
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