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MS Factoids

General Information about Multiple Sclerosis from the MC Fox.com

  • First Diagnosed in 1849
  • The earliest known description of a person with possible Multiple Sclerosis dates from 14th century Holland
  • Multiple Sclerosis is the most common progressive and disabling neurological condition in young adults
  • Approx 2.5 million people worldwide, have Multiple Sclerosis
  • Around 400,000 people in the United States have Multiple Sclerosis
  • In the UK, approx 70,000 people have the disease
  • Approx 50,000 people in Canada have Multiple Sclerosis
  • Scotland has the highest incidence of Multiple Sclerosis per head of population in the world also have the lowest levels of vitamin D in the world
    In Scotland, over 10,500 people have Multiple Sclerosis
  • No virus has ever been isolated as the cause of Multiple Sclerosis
  • Average age of clinical onset is 30 – 33 years of age
  • The average age of diagnosis is 37 years of age
  • The average time between clinical onset of MS and diagnosis by physicians is 4 - 5 years
  • 10% of cases are diagnosed after the age of fifty
  • In 1936, only 8% of patients were reported to survive beyond 20 years after onset of illness
  • In 1961, over 80% of Multiple Sclerosis patients were reported surviving to 20 years after onset of illness
  • 2002 – A patient with Multiple Sclerosis can expect to live to average population life-expectancy minus seven years (mean life expectancy - 7 years)
  • Multiple Sclerosis is five times more prevalent in temperate climates than in tropical climates well known latitude/UVB
  • Multiple Sclerosis affects women much more frequently than men. Approx. 1.7 – 2:1 in the US and approx 3:2 in the UK women have lower vitamin D levels than men
  • The ratio of white to non-white is approx 2:1
  • Gypsies and Inuit's do get Multiple Sclerosis although the incidence rate is much lower than other populations at approx 19 per 100,000
  • Native Indians of North and South America, the Japanese and other Asian peoples have a very low incidence rate of Multiple Sclerosis
  • In identical twins where one twin develops the disease, the likelihood of the second twin developing Multiple Sclerosis is approx 30%
  • The incidence rate for non-identical twins, where one contracts Multiple Sclerosis, is approx 4%
  • The risk of contracting Multiple Sclerosis if a first-degree relative (father, mother, sibling) has the disease, is approx 1% - 3% overall
  • The risk of contracting Multiple Sclerosis if your father has the disease is approx 1 in 100
  • The risk of contracting Multiple Sclerosis if your mother has the disease is approx 1 in 50
  • The risk among the general population of contracting Multiple Sclerosis is approx 1 in 800

Multiple Sclerosis symptoms from same group

  • The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis may be mild or severe, chronic (long-term) or of short duration; may be transient (appear and disappear very quickly)
  • Symptoms and signs may disappear or may fluctuate in character and intensity
  • The sometimes bizarre and transient nature of symptoms may be mistaken for a psychiatric condition
  • Approx. 40% of Multiple Sclerosis patients have Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS)
  • Approx. 20% of Multiple Sclerosis patients will initially be diagnosed as having Benign Multiple Sclerosis
    Less than 5% - 10% of patients actually have benign Multiple Sclerosis
  • 55% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis will develop optic neuritis at some time or other during their lifetime. 45% of patients do not
  • Approximately 5% - 10% of Multiple Sclerosis patients experience trigeminal neuralgia (tic delaroux) at some stage during the course of the disease
  • Only 15% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis will have optic neuritis as a first symptom. 85% will present to their physician with a different symptom
  • Between 20% - 40% of women with Multiple Sclerosis have a relapse within the 3 months post partum (after giving birth) vitamin D levels are lowest after birth
  • Complete or partial remission of symptoms will occur in approx 70% of patients, particularly during the early stages of the disease
  • Males have a higher tendency to develop Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS)
  • Females tend to experience more relapses than men
  • 5% of Multiple Sclerosis patients exhibit an inappropriate euphoria
  • Approx 50% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis experience cognitive impairment such as difficulty with concentration, attention, memory and poor judgment Low cognition is associated with low vitamin D
  • Approx 50% of Multiple Sclerosis patients will suffer some form of mental disturbance such as depression, mild dementia or organic psychosis
  • 2/3 of patients with Multiple Sclerosis will develop disturbance of sphincter control at some stage during the course of the disease
  • The major bowel complaint is constipation although fecal incontinence may occur occasionally in some patients
  • Depression is common and unrelated to cognitive impairment although it may worsen existing cognitive difficulties SAD is associated with low level of vitamin D
  • Approx 10% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis will suffer severe psychotic disorders such as Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder) and paranoia
  • In approx 80% of Multiple Sclerosis sufferers, heat will cause a temporary worsening of symptoms (Uhthoff's Phenomenon).
    The heat source may be externally produced, for example, a hot bath; or the result of physical exertion.
    Removal of the heat source / cooling normally, though not always, eliminates the problem, although this can take from a few minutes to several hours.
  • 60% of neurological signs experienced during hyperthermia (i.e. Uhthoff's phenomenon) are new to the patient.
  • Some heat sensitive patients find a cool bath or swimming temporarily relieves some symptoms
  • Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis patients develop, on average, 20 new lesions per year and will have between 1 – 2 exacerbations per year
  • For every 8 – 10 new lesions shown by MRI, only 1 clinical manifestation (measurable exacerbation) will occur
  • Patients with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis have a higher incidence of spinal cord lesion and exhibit much more rapid development of disability than those with other forms of the disease
  • 1 in every 4, or 25%, of exacerbations are associated with a viral infection
  • Approx 75% - 85% of patients with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) will go on to develop Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS)
  • Approx 80% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis experience fatigue Vitamin D deficiency is strongly associated with Fatigue
  • Spasticity will occur in approx 60% of patients with a progressive form of the disease
  • 80% - 90% of men and 45% - 70% of women will report some form of sexual dysfunction
  • Patients with Multiple Sclerosis have a greater risk of seizure than in the general population Seizures are associated with low level of vitamin D
  • Lesions may occur in the Corpus Callosum, an area of the brain thought to be involved in seizures
  • Exercises or physical therapy designed to stretch the muscles, particularly those of the leg, can help prevent contractures, an irreversible shortening of muscles.

See VitaminDWiki

MS Factoids        
3588 visitors, last modified 28 Feb, 2012,
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