12 questions to ask to avoid sow mortality Feb 2018 – PigProgress
7 Are vitamin D levels adequate?
“Additionally, it is well known that vitamin D plays a crucial role in calcium absorption, homeostasis, and bone formation, but it is also involved in the immune system. Within human literature, it is suggested that higher vitamin D levels are associated with a decreased risk of pelvic floor disorders. A 2014 survey by the USA swine industry reported a range of 1,100-2,222 IU/kg in gestation and lactation diets fed, while NRC (2012) recommends 800 IU/kg”
- Most farm vets have learned the amount of vitamin D to keep the animals healthy.
- The amount given is often 3X more than the govt recommends
- Note: Doctors of animals (vets) are paid for to maintain health
Doctors of humans are paid to restore health, not maintain it- A lot more vitamin D is needed to maintain health
- Note: kg is sometimes kg of animal weight and sometimes kg of feed
Vitamin D and pigs – in VitaminDWiki
- National requirement of vitamin D for pigs increased by 4X, (4X more than for humans) - Jan 2014
- Swine need sunshine or 500-2800 IU vitamin D3
- Animals get a lot more vitamin D than minimum recommended for humans – 2016
- High dose vitamin D (20,000 IU per kg of feed) safe for pigs – Aug 2015
- 130% more piglets after giving gilt Calcidiol, a form of vitamin D – Nov 2012
- Swine with extra vitamin D more likely to get pregnant and have more and larger piglets – June 2012
- Senior pets rejuvenated with vitamin D