
UV meters

There are a wide variety of UV meters available

Unless they specificially say UVB (vitamin D), I assume that they measure/monitor UVA or UVA+UVB
In the middle of a clear sunny day UVA, UVA+UVB and UVB will all be related by a constant
However, the UVA/UVB ratio may change significantly with changes in

  • clouds
  • other time during the day
  • season
  • different UV bulbs

Google Product Search UV Light Meter 116 meters Jan 2012

including many under $50 and some under $10
Doubt that any low-cost meters measure just UVB

Owners of pet reptiles are light years ahead of us in having sources of UV and meters to measure it

One company make many UVB meters - one of which is calibrated in IU of Vitamin D $220

UVB (Vitamin D) is measured- ignores UVA
They have a spreadsheet which allows you to adjust for age, skin color, sunscreen, amount of skin exposed
Here is a great analysis of UVB lamps with this meter Study of D3 from UV lamps - Aug 2010.pdf

UV hawk is a tiny device $30
Takes about 5 seconds to make a measurement. Probably UVA + UVB
One output is UV index
Second output is the % time remaining to be in the sun based on SPF of sunscreen and skin color

Chaney UV meter - another example (probably UVA+UVB)

UV meter - lightened limage

US UV forecast - free

See also VitaminDWiki

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
1659 Solarmeter.jpg admin 24 Oct, 2012 8.07 Kb 113152
12 UV Hawk.gif admin 11 Apr, 2010 11.30 Kb 6132