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Top Vitamin D News at VitaminDWiki
Far more vitamin D publications than other vitamins - Sept 2012
More Vitamin Invervention trials for D than for the total of Vitamins A, C, E, and K
Vitamin D 915 vs 798 = "Vitamin A" 188 + "Vitamin C" 269 + "Vitamin E" 236 + "Vitamin K" 105
TB treatment helped with Vitamin D – RCT Sept 2012
Note: There were 14 TB and Vitamin D Invervention Clinical Trials as of Sept 2012
Multidrug-resistant TB may be reduced with vitamin D – Sept 2012
Vitamin D probably can prevent and treat TB and infectious diseases – 2012
Overweight women lost fat in 12 weeks with just 1000 IU vitamin D daily – Sept 2012 Random Controlled Trial
Weight loss of at least 10 % resulted in 5 ng increase in vitamin D levels – Sept 2012
Prescribing Sunshine - book Aug 2012 great first book to read on Vitamin D
Small for gestational age and insulin at age 6 – Sept 2012
Hypothesis: vitamin D suppresses skin cancer – Sept 2012
Increasing bone mineral density increases breast cancer by at least 2X – Aug 2012
Higher vitamin D in pregnancy resulted in 2X better infant psychomotor and mental scores – Sept 2012
Vitamin D conferences and special issues - 2013 started by Dr. Grant
80 year olds had better cognition and stood better if high level of vitamin D – Sept 2012
Cerebrovascular disease 40 % less likely if high level of vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2012 Strokes, etc
Diabetes 3.5X less likely if more than 25 ng Vitamin D – Sept 2012
African-Americans need only 20 ng of vitamin, not 30 ng, based on iPTH – Sept 2012
Has links to many similar results
Forearm fracture 3.5X more often in black children with low levels of vitamin D – Sept 2012
Pre-cursor of active vitamin D made from plants is better than calcitriol – Sept 2012
Time delay from taking till maximum result in body: 6-12 hours vs 1 hour for calcitriol
Colds not stopped in people who were vitamin D sufficient – RCT Oct 2012 which has the following graph
Work-in-progress at VitaminDWiki
- Tan-through shirts might allow getting vitamin D
- Too much Calcium: Arteries, breast cancer, etc. if lack Vitamin K2
- Fatty Acids may increase levels of active vitamin D
- Vitamin D does NOT continue to accumulate in the body: even toxic amounts dissipate without any intervention in 6 months
- Baldness reduced with Vitamin D (and scalp vibration?)
- Does skin have to be warm to make vitamin D?
- Press Release in October? - Possible sentence
Just put a reminder on your calendar to take just one pill every two weeks to avoid many diseases
– at an average cost of less than 2 cents per day.
Previous Vitamin D News - Aug 2012
Next Vitamin D News Oct 2012 email
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