No mention of vitamin D in this article, but:
- Many studies which show the synergy between Magnesium and vitamin D
- Many many studies show increasing vitamin D decreases Diabetes.
- Magnesium increases vitamin D, which then decreases Diabetes
Article in Diabetes Health - Oct 22, 2010
- 4500 people
- followed for 20 years
- Those getting 200 mg/1000 calories were 47% less likely to get Diabetes, than those getting only 100 mg
See also at VitaminDWiki
- Overview Magnesium and vitamin D
- All items in category Magnesium 375 items
- Know the Importance of Taking Enough Magnesium with Your Vitamin D – July 2010
- Overview Diabetes and vitamin D
- Low Magnesium and type II diabetes – June 2012