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Plant-based Calcium probably better than rock-based

Calcium and Vitamin D category contains

Calcium often causes major health problems

  • Many studies have identified many health problems with Calcium supplementation
  • < 750 mg of Calcium supplement daily - VitaminDWiki has recommended for 7 years
  • Some believe that the health problems are due to the spike in blood Calcium from
    • taking the Calcium only once per day - [https://nutritionfacts.org/2018/03/22/if-calcium-supplements-arCalciumen't-safe-what-about-calcium-in-food/?utm_source=NutritionFacts.org&utm_campaign=09083c9570-RSS_BLOG_WEEKLY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40f9e497d1-09083c9570-25209481&mc_cid=09083c9570&mc_eid=b95641625a|Dr. Greger - March 2018 text and short video]
  • Perhaps there would be a shorter Calcium spike (and less of a problem) if take Calcium multiple times a day
  • Perhaps also less of a problem if the Calcium is plant-based
  • [https://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-calcium-supplements-safe/|Calcium from milk also causes 5+ major health problems] 2015 Dr. Greger
    • No apparent health problems from processed dairy products (cheese, yogurt, etc)
  • Calcium supplements are less of a problem if have adequate Vitamin K
    • which keeps Calcium from forming blood-system plaque
  • [http://gut.bmj.com/content/early/2018/01/29/gutjnl-2017-315242 |2.7X increase in rate of Colon polyps in 6-10 years] RCT March 2018
  • Calcium from food or supplements associated with more deaths (US Cohort of 31,000 people) – April 2019

Calcium hazards and bioavailability has the following

see wikipagehttp://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1936

Amazon (US) has >400 plant-based Calcium supplements


Nice 7 year trial of Algae Calcium - 2016

A 7-Year Longitudinal Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of a Vitamin/Mineral Enhanced Plant-Sourced Calcium Supplement
Problems with the study

  1. Not a controlled trial
  2. Great decrease in participants during the trial
  3. Funded by the supplier

But the results are most promising
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Plant Calcium has smaller crystals and is 1.5X more bio-available than synthetic Ca - Sept 2021

Comparative characterization study of plant based calcium versus synthetic calcium
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis
Supriya H Raut1,*, Mihir C Gadani1
1Dept. of Research and Development, Zywie Ventures Pvt. Ltd, Andheri (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Background: Calcium is an essential mineral which supports bone health as well as serves as a major
therapeutic intervention that can prevent and delay the incidence of osteoporosis. Multicellular aquatic
plants like Lithothamnion calcareum are a rich source of plant based calcium.

Aims/Objective: To characterize Plant based calcium and Synthetic calcium sources using sophisticated
analytical techniques.

Material and Methods: Plant based Calcium and Synthetic Calcium sources were subjected to
instrumental analysis such as SEM, ICP-OES and XRD, and comparisons were done followed by

Results and Discussion: In this study, three different instrument techniques like SEM, ICP-OES and XRD were used for the characterization of plant based calcium and synthetic calcium. The results showed that plant based calcium were smaller isotropic crystals as compared to synthetic calcium crystals which were larger and anisotropic. Further, in case of XRD results, plant based calcium is shown to possess two 2θ values, whereas in case of synthetic calcium, it showed a single 2θ value. Further, Magnesium and Boron content were higher in case of plant based calcium as compared to synthetic calcium.

Conclusion: Both Plant based and Synthetic Calcium can be distinguished using SEM, ICP-OES and XRD techniques. Outcomes of this study enlightens the probable reasons for enhanced bioavailability in case of plant based calcium sources as compared to synthetic calcium sources.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday July 17, 2023 02:03:43 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 14)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
18022 Plant vs rock Calcium - smaller crystals, 1.5X more bio-availalbe.pdf admin 02 Jul, 2022 148.82 Kb 148
16439 AlgaeCal ingredients.jpg admin 17 Oct, 2021 22.83 Kb 458
16438 7 year.jpg admin 17 Oct, 2021 42.19 Kb 517
16437 7 year algae Cal trial.pdf admin 17 Oct, 2021 648.94 Kb 252