From Lifespan to Healthspan - 2018
JAMA. 2018;320(13):1323-1324. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.12621
S. Jay Olshansky, PhD1
Chart from PDF
- Many deaths before age 3
- Adult death rates inacreas at age 20, short lifetimes, peak at age 71
- Adult death rates increase at age 50, long lifetimes, peak at age 90
- Not mentioned - poor health/quality of Life for last decade of life
Might be able to “square the curve” with Vitamin D
Might live BOTH a long AND healthy life with Vitamin D
Note: 30 years ago I read how one person died.
He was very old and had been bicycling daily to do research at a health library
One night he died in his sleep
He became my role model - Henry Lahore, founder of VitaminDWiki
At the turn of the 20th century, life expectancy at birth in most of today’s developed nations ranged between 45 and 50 years, with women routinely outliving men. About 22% of all individuals born in 1900 in the United States died before reaching the age of 10 years, mostly from infectious diseases.1 Among those who survived into older ages in 1900, the common diseases of aging known today were present but less common.
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See also VitaminDWiki
- 5.8 X more likely to die in 15 year followup if low vitamin D and poor methylation – July 2018
- Vitamin D - at least 4,000 IU to achieve 40-60 ng and reduce risk of early death – Holick June 2018
- Live longer if high Vitamin D or Omega-3 (probably both)
- Causes of Death - Vitamin D reduces 10 of the top 11 - July 2017
- Much more likely to live longer if higher vitamin D – 27,000 seniors Feb 2017
- Mortality category listing has
323 items along with related searches
People die sooner if they have low vitamin D
click on image for details
VitaminDwiki - Quality of Life
- Quality of Life category listing has
26 items along with related searches - Quality of life increased with increased levels of vitamin D – April 2014
- Off topic: Quality of Death – Oct 2015
6+ VitaminDWiki pages have HEALTHSPAN in the title
This list is automatically updated
Items found: 6
193 studies cited this study as of Dec 2023
- From lifespan to healthspan: the role of nutrition in healthy ageing - August 2020 : FREE PDF
- Extending Health Span is a better goal than extending Lifespan -July 2021
- Longevity leap: mind the healthspan gap - Sept 2021 PDF
Healthspan is more important than Lifespan – JAMA Oct 20189739 visitors, last modified 21 Mar, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 20563 Gap.png admin 31 Dec, 2023 78.36 Kb 138 20562 Gap_CompressPdf.pdf admin 31 Dec, 2023 239.59 Kb 247 20561 Healthspan JAMA.pdf admin 31 Dec, 2023 346.74 Kb 64 10635 Lifespan to Healthspan.jpg admin 02 Oct, 2018 27.18 Kb 2730
- Quality of Life category listing has