The SURPRISING Connection Between Vitamin D, GUT BACTERIA & Sleep" with Dr. Stasha Gominak
Key points by Claude AI (includes transcript)
• Vitamin D receptors exist in brain "sleep switches", indicating D plays a crucial role in regulating sleep. Sleep isn't just about unconsciousness but requires specific deep phases (slow-wave sleep and REM sleep) for proper restoration.
• Vitamin D deficiency correlates with sleep disorders. Dr. Gominak found that when patients' vitamin D levels reached 60-80 ng/ml, their sleep quality significantly improved.
• Vitamin D is a hormone, not a vitamin. It was incorrectly classified, and D3 (not D2) is what humans naturally produce from sunlight. D2 supplementation can actually block D3 utilization.
• The microbiome connection is crucial. After about 2 years of vitamin D supplementation alone, many patients developed new symptoms (joint pain, burning sensations). This led to the discovery that vitamin D affects gut bacteria, which produce B vitamins.
• The B vitamin complex, especially B5 (pantothenic acid), is essential for acetylcholine production.
- Acetylcholine is vital for proper sleep cycles, inflammation control, and autonomic nervous system function.
• Supplementation protocol timing matters. Dr. Gominak found patients needed B vitamins temporarily (about 3 months), after which the restored gut bacteria began producing sufficient amounts, making continued high supplementation counterproductive.
• Modern indoor lifestyle has disrupted this system. Lack of sun exposure leads to vitamin D deficiency, which affects gut bacteria, leading to B vitamin deficiencies and a cascade of health problems including sleep disorders, autoimmune conditions, and inflammation.
• Personalized approach is necessary. Testing vitamin D levels (ideally using liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy) and B12 levels helps determine individual supplementation needs, which vary widely based on deficiency history and severity.
• Many "modern diseases" may link to this pathway. Dr. Gominak suggests conditions like
- hypertension,
- autoimmunity,
- anxiety,
- depression, and
- chronic pain
- often connect to acetylcholine deficiency stemming from this D-microbiome-B vitamin cascade.
See related: Sleep, Dr. Gominak and Vitamin D - several studies
Perplexity AI was unable to find independant evidence for her observation