Toggle Health Problems and D

Graphic warnings on cigarette packages in 118 countries, US FDA trying again – Aug 2019

F.D.A. Issues New Images to Add to Warnings on Cigarette Packages - NYT Aug 2019

 Download the NYT PDF from VitaminDWiki
Big tobacco had more money than the US FDA
Big tobacco was not successful in many other countries

Update FDA to require graphic warnings on cigarettes Jan 2026

CSPDailyNews Nov 2024

"The U.S. currently ranks last globally in cigarette warning size, with 138 other countries already implementing graphic warnings"
Perplexity AI Nov 2024

See also VitaminDWiki

Smoking reduces vitamin D - many studies contains the following

Two pathways are often proposed for how smoking decreases vitamin D:
   1) Smoking decreases Calcium. and Vitamin D is used up in replacing the Calcium
   2) Smoking injures the body, and vitamin D is used up in repairing the body
It appears that taking Vitamin D while smoking will:
   1) Decrease the incidence of the many health problems associated with smoking - even lung cancer
   2) Decrease the desire to smoke (perhaps take fewer smoking breaks?)
   3) Increase breathing capacity
Opinion: If you must smoke, have recently smoked, or are getting 2nd hand smoke:
   take Vitamin D and perhaps Omega-3
    They will extinguish much of the inflammation caused by inhaling tobacco smoke.

Vitamin D should also help people quit smoking
   1) Reduces weight gain associated with quitting smoking
   2) Reduces depression associated with quitting smoking

Canadian Cancer Society summary of global cigarette warnings

Sample of warnings outside of the US
 Download the Canadain PDF from VitaminDWiki

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday November 14, 2024 01:22:24 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 10)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
12478 Graphic warnings.jpg admin 15 Aug, 2019 377.09 Kb 737
12477 Picture warnings.jpg admin 15 Aug, 2019 54.14 Kb 631
12476 CCS-international-warnings-report-2018-English-2-MB.pdf admin 15 Aug, 2019 2.27 Mb 885
12475 NYT FDA tries again.pdf admin 15 Aug, 2019 314.17 Kb 652