
COVID Superspreaders tend to be older and or obese – Feb 2021

Exhaled aerosol increases with COVID-19 infection, age, and obesity

David A. Edwards, Dennis Ausiello, Jonathan Salzman, Tom Devlin, View ORCID ProfileRobert Langer, View ORCID ProfileBrandon J. Beddingfield, Alyssa C. Fears, Lara A. Doyle-Meyers, Rachel K. Redmann, Stephanie Z. Killeen, View ORCID ProfileNicholas J. Maness, and Chad J. Roy

Superspreading events have distinguished the COVID-19 pandemic from the early outbreak of the disease. Our studies of exhaled aerosol suggest that a critical factor in these and other transmission events is the propensity of certain individuals to exhale large numbers of small respiratory droplets. Our findings indicate that the capacity of airway lining mucus to resist breakup on breathing varies significantly between individuals, with a trend to increasing with the advance of COVID-19 infection and body mass index multiplied by age (i.e., BMI-years). Understanding the source and variance of respiratory droplet generation, and controlling it via the stabilization of airway lining mucus surfaces, may lead to effective approaches to reducing COVID-19 infection and transmission.

Particles are a function of Obesity X Weight

<10% of people are superspreaders

COVID-19 transmits by droplets generated from surfaces of airway mucus during processes of respiration within hosts infected by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus. We studied respiratory droplet generation and exhalation in human and nonhuman primate subjects with and without COVID-19 infection to explore whether SARS-CoV-2 infection, and other changes in physiological state, translate into observable evolution of numbers and sizes of exhaled respiratory droplets in healthy and diseased subjects. In our observational cohort study of the exhaled breath particles of 194 healthy human subjects, and in our experimental infection study of eight nonhuman primates infected, by aerosol, with SARS-CoV-2, we found that exhaled aerosol particles vary between subjects by three orders of magnitude, with exhaled respiratory droplet number increasing with degree of COVID-19 infection and elevated BMI-years. We observed that 18% of human subjects (35) accounted for 80% of the exhaled bioaerosol of the group (194), reflecting a superspreader distribution of bioaerosol analogous to a classical 20:80 superspreader of infection distribution. These findings suggest that quantitative assessment and control of exhaled aerosol may be critical to slowing the airborne spread of COVID-19 in the absence of an effective and widely disseminated
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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
16618 10less than 10% are speaders.jpg admin 20 Nov, 2021 24.62 Kb 203
16617 Particles, obestiy, age.jpg admin 20 Nov, 2021 38.55 Kb 194
16616 Exhaled aerosol increases with COVID-19 infection, age, and obesity.pdf admin 20 Nov, 2021 1.11 Mb 178