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Vitamin D deficient Type 1 diabetics 3X more likely to have calcification problems – Feb 2011

Vitamin D Deficiency and Coronary Artery Calcification in Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes

1. Kendra A. Young, MSPH1,
2. Janet K. Snell-Bergeon, PHD2, janet.snell-bergeon at ucdenver.edu
3. Ramachandra G. Naik, MD3,
4. John E. Hokanson, PHD1,
5. David Tarullo, BS2,
6. Peter A. Gottlieb, MD2,4,
7. Satish K. Garg, MD2,4 and
8. Marian Rewers, MD2

1.Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado
2. Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado
3. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, New Jersey
4. Department of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado
Diabetes Care February 2011 vol. 34 no. 2 454-458; Received May 11, 2010; Accepted October 11, 2010.

OBJECTIVE The objective of this study is to examine the relationship among serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D), polymorphisms in vitamin D-associated genes, and the presence and progression of coronary artery calcification (CAC) in adults with type 1 diabetes.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This prospective study included 374 non-Hispanic white individuals with type 1 diabetes (mean age 40 ± 9 years; 46% were male). CAC was measured at the baseline and 3- and 6-year follow-up visits were determined by electron beam computed tomography. Serum 25[OH]D levels were measured by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry at the 3-year visit.

RESULTS Normal (>30 ng/mL), insufficient (20–30 ng/mL), and deficient (<20 ng/mL) 25-OHD levels were present in 65%, 25%, and 10% of the individuals with type 1 diabetes, respectively. 25[OH]D deficiency was associated with the presence of CAC at the 3-year visit, odds ratio (OR) = 3.3 (95% CI 1.6–7.0), adjusting for age, sex, and hours of daylight. In subjects free of CAC at the 3-year visit, 25[OH]D deficiency predicted the development of CAC over the next 3 years in those with the vitamin D receptor M1T CC genotype (OR = 6.5 [1.1–40.2], P = 0.04) than in those with the CT or TT genotype (OR = 1.6 [0.3–8.6], P = 0.57).

CONCLUSIONS Vitamin D deficiency independently predicts prevalence and development of CAC,
a marker of coronary artery plaque burden, in individuals with type 1 diabetes.
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See also VitaminDWiki