Women Report Worse Side Effects After a Covid Vaccine New York Times March 8, 2021
- "Among the side effects reported to the agency, 79.1 percent came from women, even though only 61.2 percent of the vaccines had been administered to women."
- "Nearly all of the rare anaphylactic reactions to Covid-19 vaccines have occurred among women, too. C.D.C. researchers reported that all 19 of the individuals who had experienced such a reaction to the Moderna vaccine have been female, and that women made up 44 of the 47 who have had anaphylactic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine."
- "In a 2013 study, scientists with the C.D.C. and other institutions found that four times as many women as men between the ages of 20 and 59 reported allergic reactions after receiving the 2009 pandemic flu vaccine,"
- " 80 percent of autoimmune diseases afflict women. . . . "
- Perhaps women do not need as large a dose of vaccine
See also VitaminDWiki
- Perhaps women have lower levels of Vitamin D because vitamin D hides in fat
- 2.3X more likely to have < 18 ng: 2008 Study
- Every one of top 10 female health problems is associated with low Vitamin D
- Vitamin D levels continue to fall in Korea– June 2018
- Vitamin D levels of Korean Women have been lower then Men, both are falling fast