
Vitamin D levels do not vary much with minutes in the sun

Original Chart by GrassrootsHealth adapted by VitaminDWiki

Vitamin D vs minutes in the sun: is.gd/DvsMinutes

Possible reasons that vitamin D levels to not rise much with time in the sun include:

  • People laying down generate more vitamin D, but people not lay down for much more than 30 minutes/day
    people standing up generate 2X-3X less vitamin D than when laying down.
  • Seniors have more time avaiable get sun for many hours per day but
    Seniors tend to wear more clothes while outdoors, and so generate less vitamin D/minute
    Senior skin generates about 3X less vitamin D per minute
  • Tan created by being in the sun a lot will decrease the amount of vitamin D generated per minute in the sunl

200 IU needed to increase vitamin D levels by 1 ng (not 100 IU) – summary of 25 studies – Feb 2014 has the following chart


Miuch less vitamin D generated when standing up

see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=3152

Much less vitamin D generated as you get older

see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=2968

Overview Vitamin D Dose-Response has the following

see wiki page: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1425 ))

Vitamin D response: 800 IU: 20 ng, 3200 IU: 45 ng – RCT March 2012 has the following


 Download the GrassrootHealth PDF.

Short url = http://is.gd/DvsMinutes

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4345 UVB_Exposure_and_Supplements_Sun_Exposure.pdf admin 10 Sep, 2014 171.74 Kb 1071