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Skin wrinkles associated with fragile bones - June 2011

Many places reported the news today from the Endocrine Society's Annual Meeting in Boston.

ABC News

For post menopausal women

"We know estrogen protects against bone loss, but does it protect against skin wrinkles?"
"The link between the two could be collagen, . . . "
They (endocrinologists) are considering estrogen therapy for skin - which apparently works for bones


"Pal thinks the connection may be a protein called type 1 collagen, a building block of skin and bone tissue, which is lost with age.
It is thought that this loss may be accelerated during menopause, when hormone levels drop."

Certain wrinkles were more predictive of lower bone density than others.
"The strongest association of the facial wrinkles with the bone was between the eyebrows,"

"When we looked at the effects of sun exposure on skin, we did not see that women who had more sun exposure had worse skin wrinkles," Pal says.

Fact: Older skin produces about 4X less vitamin D for the same amount of time in the sun as a youth

Fact: Low vitamin D results in brittle bones

Suspected: Lower cholesterol ==> wrinkled skin Search with Google >300,000 hits

Suspected: Lower cholesterol in skin ==>reduced vitamin D

See also VitaminDWiki

Skin wrinkles associated with fragile bones - June 2011        
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